Such a great film......

This is one of my favorite films.

It's a shame it wasn't a bigger box office draw.

Whatever happened to JSL after this film? His acting in this film was superb, too bad he has fallen off the face of the earth.

"Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends."


I agree, this movie was stunning. But what do you mean about JSL? He acts in like 10 movies after this. Maybe you mean the short break he has?

-- - Dead Babies in my Garage.


The film was rubbish, dragon is a perfect example of hollywood taking an extremly intresting story and making it in to a load of cheesy nosence


I kinda agree with you there GoNzOUK, I mean if your going to make a film about someone's life fair enough and Bruce Lee's life story is great material, why then did they go an add all the BS into it, I mean the fight with the guy on the set of the Big Boss!! Whats that all about, it never happened plain and simple. The fight with the guy where his back got injured, also never happened, although its kind of an urban Legend and certainly a lot more interesting than the real reason Bruce damaged his back, during a workout.
I'm suprised Linda allowed that kind of guff TBH


The fight in he film where Bruce injured his back really did happen. It's just that he didn't injure his back in that fight. He injured it shortly after that fight.


A film about bruce lee would be pretty crap if it didn't have any fight scenes so they were put in to keep the audience entertained and also to show how bruce's fighting style continued to evolve throughout his life.

If we are gonna get picky then there was no record of him fighting the chefs in the alleyway, no record of him fighting in the gym at college, no record of him fighting at Ray Parkers karate conference, no record of him fighting on the film set and no record of him fighting a 6'6 demon, but frankly who cares !

You are not allowed to represent actual people in a film without their consent so do you expect the director to find everyone he actually fought to get their permission and input or just make up some fights that will be just as interesting and story serving.

Putting in a few additional fights when the whole film is about a martial arts fighter doesn't seem out of place to me and was just another facet of a cracking good film.


He didnt fight at Ray Parker's Karate conference in San Francisco, he was only demonstrating.

Gotta agree with you on him fighting with chefs in alleyway, gym at college. But he was fighting on some of the films. He was challenged many times, one of which was Enter the Dragon. He kicked the guys ass, and told him to get back on the wall where he was supposed to be.

Interesting note: one of the extra's in Enter the Dragon is actually Jackie Chan.


JSL should have got nominated for an Academy Award, and the film as best pic.
It is a real rarity. Only A Beautiful Mind comes to mind to compare.

So many liberties were taken, and yet not one does not enhance the film.
It's like holding up a manifying glass (did you spot the goof?) to his life... which resonates with how exaggerated martial arts films are, so it fits well.
I loved how they made the loud crack with every punch like that, which also wouldn't be in real life. Cracker of a film is right!

Sheer artistry.

Other interesting note: The director of ENTER THE DRAGON is the director of DRAGON.

"I live forever now."



Last night was the first time I've watched this film as an adult and really appreciated it. I'm actually a bit surprised that Rob Cohen was the director - I tend to think of shiny explosions fast vehicles when I see his name (and they're always entertaining!).

The acting was great, the score was beautiful, and the choreography was fantastic. Sure, there's a LOT of unnecessary creative licensing regarding some facts and actions, but the film is quite excellent. And hey... it's a love story.


Awesome movie, I agree!



This movie has one of the all time great musical themes.
