I'm a man but i have to confess

I cried like 4 times when re-watching this movie. I'm a super dog lover and I truly agree with Shadow on how he feels about his role in life. I love my dogs sooo much and know they feel the same for me, so when there were parts when both the humans and the dogs showed emotion to one another I felt it. I knew exactly what emotion they were both feeling and It made me feel a rush of emotion. I could never leave my dogs away like that without feeling bad or that they are thinking I'm abandoning them. Also whenever the dogs had something sad happened to them I cried again. This movie was intense as a dog lover.


Hey brother, your man card is intact, I cry at a good film too. Especially when dogs or cats or other animals are involved. I just watched Eight Below and... I'll tell ya, there was a few tissues used.


That speech Shadow gave made me cry too. So touching.


Coming from a woman, I assure you a man willing to cry is more of a man than one who hides his emotions. I cry through the entire movie, watching it right now actually. My 2 year old is playing puppy while he watches lol


If you don't cry at the end of the movie, you're not human.


I always become misty-eyed when Shadow falls through the wood plank and down into the hole near the railroad tracks. I know he eventually finds his way home, but no matter how many times I watch, it still gets to me. I also remember my 11-year-old self being completely shocked and saddened at the same time.

This movie really knows how to tug on your heartstrings.
