Shadow at the end. (Spoilers)

All right was Shadow suppose to die in the end?

I never understood the part in the train tracks. Where the movie made it seem like Shadow had given up and was just gonna lay down and die. But he's all fine in the end. That always bothered me. Its as if what happened earlier never happened at all.

I think Shadow was supposed to die. But typical Disney chickened out as usual and gave us a happy ending instead. What do you people think?


I think it's a wonderful mystery as to how Shadow got out of the pit and made it home. How devastating, how sad if he had died. We loved the animals and wanted a happy ending, why ruin it with reality?


I'm certainly glad he didn't die either. I would have felt cheated or something. Plus, my daughter would be bawling her eyes right now instead of sleeping peacefully since we just finished family night!


Well that's Disneys fault. Since they made the scene like that. I don't mind a happy ending.

But that scene made no sense. They should have shown Shadow climb up the hole. But since they made it look like he gave up. It made it seem like he was suppose to die.


Perhaps that's part of the miracle of it, that he was able to get out of the hole but no one knows how.


Somebody probably saved him just like they did with Sassy.



Thought that'd be a pretty huge 'duh,' honestly. xD And a beautiful one. It's a miracle of sorts; he's given up, but somehow eventually regains the strength to make it home. Possibly a human helped him out, but I think it's more likely that he did it on his own.

🐩 Power! ❇


I think that if they showed him climbing out, it would of completely ruined the emotion of the scene.

-He gave up... He was going to die. Everyone is crying now.

-We see the family reunited with Chance and Sassy... But Peter knows that shadow wouldn't of made it due to his age. Everyone is still crying.

-then... Someway, somehow... Shadow comes over the hill. And the audiences emotions are just tossed around like a ragdoll. They are so happy, but they can't stop crying.

I think it works perfectly the way it is.


I don't think Shadow was supposed to die. To me the scene was just the "leader" of the group; the one that constantly has to hold emotions in check for the morale of everyone else, finally breaking down and having enough. Like when you constantly fight for something and everything just seems to be working to keep it from happening. There are moments you just want to give up and maybe for a moment you do (like Shadow in that scene), but once you calm down and assess the situation you find a way that you couldn't see when emotions were running high.

Just my opinion.


No he wasn't supposed to die. The movie is a remake of the original movie
The Incredible Journey both if which are based on a book by Sheila Burnford. &sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX110_SY165_QL70


Isn't there deleted scenes for this movie? I think I saw some when it was on T.V years ago and noticed a few scenes that weren't in the vhs but didn't catch the whole film so maybe there's a deleted scene where he gets out.


Not everything needs to be explained. We'll never know how Shadow made it out but he did.

And it would've been a horrible and devastating end to the film if that beautiful dog had died down there.
There's enough crap and misery in the world - we need all the happy endings we can get.


My friend's uncle's best friend worked behind the scenes on this movie, and he told my friend how it all went down. Basically, Shadow was about to give up the ghost when he remembered something he had seen on TV about how you can drink your own piss to survive in the wild. So Shadow angled his body accordingly and drank his own piss, which gave him enough old-man energy to get out of the pit. Disney shot the scene (using a little person in a dog costume as a stand-in for the real dog), but the MPAA made them remove it to keep the film more family-friendly. Now you know...
