The shaving can

Ok this might be me being a bit a think here but what's the significance of the shaving can when it falls out of Nedry's coat when he gets attacked by the dilophosaurus?


To show it's lost and will no doubt become useless.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


So no real reason?


When it gets buried in the mud, I think it's maybe a representation of the end of Nedry's chapter.


Ahh ok thanks!


Yeah no worries... that's what it always seemed like to me anyway... just HAHA Nedry's *beep* No getting to east dock on time, no dinosaur embryo's for poor old Lewis Dodgson, sucked in greedy rival company! to me that's all it was really trying to do seeing the can get covered in mud


I always thought the can and embryos getting buried in the mud was just symbolic of the dinosaurs becoming fossils...And them being lost forever


I had a friend who said that that shot indicated an opportunity for a sequel. I disagreed, feeling that it was symbolic of the inevitability that the futility of man would spell his doom and that nature always prevails. The can itself is a symbol of all of the dinosaurs being buried once again. I can see that as a symbol of their possible resurrection, though. But none of the sequels included the can.


To me it showed that mankind is not a superior species. Consider everything he went thru to steal the embryos and they all just get lost and washed away due to his arrogance and carelessness, not to mention a tropical storm.
