Dinosaurs never existed

The biggest problem with movies like this is the idea that it implies that dinosaurs actually existed. And it creates false impressions of the supposed creatures as well. Children are especially vulnerable to the deception through Follywood movies such as this. Don't we want them to know Truth instead of LIES?

There is a long list of scientific reasons why dinosaurs not only never existed. But they COULD NOT exist. All the bones used to assemble fake skeletons were used from other animals and cast molds. Other "authentic" relics are forgeries and fakes. The DINO-Deception began in the 1800s. Thousands of years after people were already here. The 20th century has been labeled as the century of deconstruction of a moral society. By no surprise, movies such as this one are part of that agenda. Hollywood is a whore factory, turning out mindless puppets who master the art of foolery. To lead good people into the darkness of deception and fantasy.

If you are one of those people who say "What's the harm?" Then you have already been corrupted. And you can't see through a clear lens. Try washing out your mind and heart by turning your back on media entertainment for a few years. Then see just how much your perception of the world changes. You have been lured into a bubble.


Dude, the pharmacy called: Your meds are ready.

Please pick them up ASAP.



"Hollywood is a whore factory, turning out mindless puppets who master the art of foolery. To lead good people into the darkness of deception and fantasy."

In other forums you're asking for re-edits of Superman films. A man with the power of a God who is practically invincible and can change history.

You're as stupid as Donald Trump, saying you hate one thing whilst propping it up in other places.

Welcome to the "whore factory", whore monger.


gr8 b8 m8 no h8 I r8 8/8


If you're correct that dinosaurs never existed it still doesn't matter. It's just a movie.


please tell me this is a joke


I bet the OP is one of them flat earth people to.


Haven't you heard the internet is evil? And electricity? How did you get here?


This is a joke, right?
