Possible plot hole?

Hi, IMDB users.

First off, i like this movie...it's a great adventure. After having watched Jurassic World i decided to re-watch it, and it's still great...but one thing i thought about was this.

Why did they reboot the system? It seems incredibly dangerous....why not just wait for Monday when people come back to work?
There is only one predator (The T-rex) loose in the park at this point, and it seems preoccupied with hunting other dinosaurs.


Every safety measure was disabled and the phones didn't work. When the people came back to work, they wouldn't know what happened and that would risk the lives of many. Plus, the grandchildren of the owner were out there; rebooting the system to re-enable the fences and communications were crucial to finding and rescuing the kids.

Anyway, what plot hole are you talking about on the title of this topic? It seems you forgot to mention it.


I did not forgot to mention it, i perhaps did not specifically state what i believed to be a plot hole.

What i identify as a plot hole here, is that they act as though they have no other options than to reboot the system. I find that assumption both illogical and wrong.
They had plenty of food, where fairly safe and could wait for workers to return.

I actually made a wrong statement earlier, there are more predators loose than just the T-rex. There is an unknown number of venom spitting dinosaurs loose too.

The thing is that the raptors are a known threat greater than any of the other dinosaurs, so i think they are endangering everyone with this plan.


The raptors are not a known threat bigger than the other dinosaurs, let alone all the other dinosaurs combined.

Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame.


Oh, are you sure? Don't recall hearing about them at all...perhaps it was mentioned on the vials Nedry tried to steal.

I also find it hilarious that Hammonds investors want Alan Grant's opinion on the security of the island...and then we are shown that he does not know how to use a seatbelt :P

Regardless, it's a really good movie in my opinion.



The thing about the lysine contingency is that it would not have an immediate effect, they would still have to wait it out for at least a little while.

At least i think so? My knowledge of bio chemistry is not the greatest.


Arnold has dug through every line of code he can find that Nedry left open, in an attempt to find the commands that shut down the security systems. So long as they keep the computers running, they will continue to run Nedry's program. Unless they restart from scratch. The normal security procedures will be in place, minus Nedry's bug in the works.

Their big mistake was, despite their precautions with the velociraptors in putting them in a separate enclosed area, they still had that system connected to all the others. As Muldoon put it, even Nedry knew better than that.



He knows how to use a seatbelt, either someone was sitting on the part of the seatbelt he needed or the helicopter had one flawed seatbelt addition.


No one ever talks about the one crater sized pothole....

Making dinosaurs from DNA in Amber isn't possible...at all. Not even in Costa Rica.



No one ever talks about the one crater sized pothole....

Making dinosaurs from DNA in Amber isn't possible...at all. Not even in Costa Rica.

No offense but cloning anything in movies has never been that realistic. Also the DNA wasn't in the Amber. The mosquito was in Amber. I'm pretty sure with technology they had, they could get the mosquito out of the Amber without effecting the blood inside of it.

Green Goblin is great! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1L4ZuaVvaw



What I want to know is, was there anybody on the mainland keeping tabs on Isla Nublar?


Um, how would the people coming on Monday fix the situation? What are they supposed to do? It was, basically, Nedry's system (I think Hammond even says that it was a mistake to rely so heavily on him) and he's gone, so there is no one coming on Monday who is going to be able to fix the system, so they would have to do a reboot anyways. Plus, there is no guarantee the t-Rex or any of the other predators *wont* be down at the dock, ready to kill all of the scientists, park rangers, and custodians coming back from the weekend.


I assume that Nedry didn't design the entire system on his own and had a team of people working with him offshore on the mainland..


Why did they reboot the system? It seems incredibly dangerous....why not just wait for Monday when people come back to work?

Considering Arnold was the go-to guy for the system (bar Nedry), what would the people coming on Monday have to offer? How would you propose they fix it? I imagine they'd fix it by rebooting the system.

There is only one predator (The T-rex) loose in the park at this point, and it seems preoccupied with hunting other dinosaurs.

And a Dilo. Remember, Nedry put a jeep sized hole in its enclosure. Not to mention, they had no way of knowing which dinos remained in their paddocks and which have gone for a walk about. They had to assume the worse.

Jeremy, you're stepping on my tail.


so you didn't see having dinosaurs roaming the earth after beign re-created by a little bit of fossil found underground as a possible plot hole just the rebooting of a computer system. Nice!
