How did they know?

This has bothered me for awhile. How did Biosyn know what InGen was doing? It seems like Hammond kept it pretty secret. Even if Nedry was going around courting companies for money. Who would believe there a company trying to make real dinosaurs?


I'm sure either they had some really good corporate spies, or Nedry had some type of proof.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


Biosyn looked at what InGen was doing. building in a very remote location, stock piling ridiculous amounts of amber, purchasing a suspiciously large amount of super computers. Biosyn basically just put two and two together and realised what they were doing. It's not in the movie but in the book Lewis Dodgson has a meeting with a heap of his co-workers and basically tells them what Ingen are up to. Dodgson figured it out and told his co-workers, and of course there's Nedry too who would have been feeding Biosyn all the information under the sun about Ingens operations.


There's a ton of secondary people, including lab workers and local field guys, who conveniently disappear from the film once the action starts. But just in keeping with Malcolm's chaos theory stuff, sooner or later one of them would have spilled the beans to the wrong person. Nobody could keep a secret like that forever. Especially when their friends start getting killed in a botched raptor transfer and stuff.

You buy egg roll!


It seemed like very few people were actually told. I just find it weird the two people least likely to spill the beans/steal his idea (Alan and Ellie) aren't told they're going to a dinosaur park but a rival company knows? I know Hammond didn't tell Biosyn, but it seems like he was super secret about it. Who would put that together to equal dinosaur park? I guess, considering where three and World go, Biosyn is just a pointless side plot. I mean Nedry could have just stole the embryos to sell to anyone.


I just find it weird the two people least likely to spill the beans/steal his idea (Alan and Ellie) aren't told they're going to a dinosaur park but a rival company knows?

Well, I think he deliberately kept them all in the dark precisely so their evaluation of the park would come with absolutely no preconceptions. Hammond wanted that element of surprise.

I'm just thinking that between all those local workers (some of whom get eaten by dinosaurs), and all the lab people, and then greedy Nedry, that there's an opportunity for a huge conglomerate with a sophisticated industrial espionage operation to find at least one person who can tell them what Jurassic Park really is.

You buy egg roll!


I always thought, with how smart and poorly treated the workers were, it was more like for someone from InGen to sabotage it and make their own or just sabotage it as payback.


Which is basically what Nedry tried to do.... he thought by sabotaging the security systems and stealing embryos, selling them to Biosyn for a tax free 1.5 mill, he saw this as an easy way out of a difficult situation.


To an outside company. It would have been better if he just stole them to mess with Hammond or make a park/business of his own. I guess I don't like that for all the hassle, we never hear of Biosyn again after TLW. I guess that can laying in the mud is just the perfect metaphor for all the potential never seen in the sequels. Never played it, but the walk through of the Tattletale game on YT seem like a better sequel than TLW, III, and JW.


Why would he steal them just to mess with Hammond? Stealing secrets from a corporation can result in prison time. He's not going to risk that just for laughs.

Also, how would he start his own park/business? I doubt Nedry has a lab to clone and grow dinosaurs. And if he did, I don't think he has a huge track of land to keep them in.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.


Nedry couldn't have just sold the embryo's to anyone.... remember the embryo's are only viable for about 36 hours, so even if he wanted to sell them to anyone he would have only had 36 hours to find someone whos interested enough in buying them off him. The embryo's would last alot less than 36 hours if they weren't contained in a device like Dodgsons shaving foam can that's got coolant inside it.


Well, if we go by the novel, Dodson & Biosyn were keeping tabs on Hammond, and knew about his leasing of Nublar and the shipping of the supercomputers that were to run the park being shipped to the island..


Yeah that's right they were watching Ingen from day one.... looking at what Ingen were doing and just figured it out, Lewis Dodgson is very smart and it wouldn't have taken him long.
