Worst Scene

The majority of scenes are fantastic, whether it's because of the script, characters, cgi effects etc. But i would be interested what are other viewers worst scenes and why.

Mine has to be the brachiosaur in the tree scene. Not only is the cgi quite poor when the dino sneezes, the anamtronics are not great either. Also the tree they sleep in
also seems to have grown leaves way to
quick overnight, always bothered me that has.


It's kind of a redundant scene I have to agree. It's not a scene that's in the book either because Grant and the two kids spend the night in a utility shed, not a tree. Grant wakes up to find Lex feeding a baby Triceratops. This scene is basically just Spielberg throwing in pointless humor where it's just not needed.

They're all trying to pat its head like it's some kind of dog or cat but let's think realistically.... Giving the events of what happened the previous night with the T-Rex and how terrified the kids were at being attacked, would they seriously trust touching a dinosaur that's even BIGGER than the T-Rex. I don't care if the thing is a herbivore or not, I wouldn't trust the god damn thing as far as I could kick it.


My biggest issues with all the Jp movies and most horror movies too is the "next day" after going through or witnessing terrifying events the main characters usually just walk around ho humming. Take the scene for example where they come across the raptor eggs. First off with a T Rex roaming free I know I would be tip toeing around the park terrified by every sound I hear, not to mention you just stumbled upon raptor eggs. If that's not a red flag that you're in major trouble....... When I see people walking through jurassic park I want to have the feeling that it would be terrifying, not listen to them joke and tell stories, not turning their heads once to make sure there's no dinosaurs around.


Totally agree with OP.
The attempt at "humour" is stupid.


Much as I like the film, the script is pretty bad at times. The tree scene may be the worst offender but Hammond's 'I had a wee flea circus' speech and Sattler's cringe-inducing 'woman inherits the earth' moment are dire too.


The toilet scene. So incredibly immature and so typically Spielberg.
