MovieChat Forums > Jurassic Park (1993) Discussion > The one flaw in this movie...

The one flaw in this movie...

anyone who spent their lives studying dinosaurs would have been reduced to a crying, bawling mess if they actually saw a LIVING dinosaur.


I agree, but everyone's different.

I'd say the biggest mistake is how it clearly takes place in the 90s because they all have their shirts tucked in even after a day of running around in the jungle. Though I suppose that could help protect from bugs haha


I think everyones reaction to seeing a living dinosaur would be crying, not just paleontologists.


I disagree, I think that if anyone who is interested in dinosaurs saw an actual dinosaur, they'd be thrilled and awestruck.

IF and only IF, they thought they were safe from it.


People due react to thrilling and awe inspiring sights by crying. Just like some people cry when they are happy.


Okay, some people cry, but I dont think it's that common a reaction

Personally, when I saw a live volcano erupting (at a safe distance), I was grinning and jumping up and down and squealing "AWESOME" over and over. I think I'd react to a live dinosaur the same way. If, of course, the safe distance was there.


I think it is fairly common. Do the majority do so? Unlikely. But 10 to 25%? I would believe that. And seeing something alive that that they love, that they KNEW they would never see alive? I think that's a reasonable reaction.


But, did the thought of you coming across a live volcano erupting seem impossible before you actually did come across one?


Their reactions weren't that far off from crying. At first its stunned disbelief, and then Grant practically collapses when he hears they have a T-Rex. Then the two of them sit on the banks of the lake and just watch in awe as the dinosaurs move in and out of the water.


I think their reactions in the film were pretty realistic.
