really sheedy

haha get it

Ally Sheedy was the weak link in this movie. I cannot tolerate that kind of limpwristed *beep* in killer animal movies. A killer animal movie should have a bureaucrat douchebag and/or a mad scientist, a regular guy in over his head, maybe a small town sheriff, a love interest, a comic relief character and a badass _____ animal expert who is going to tell it like it is, explain the dangers and supply an arsenal of ultimately ineffective anti-animal weaponry. There is no place for lovey-dovey "don't kill the dog that peed my boyfriend's face off" animal-rights *beep*


I know Ally Sheedy was never a drop dead hot ass babe, but did she look REALLY unattractive with the boy haircut? Yuck...

However, I do like this movie... I remember picking it up on video back in the 90's... And I just found it again dirt cheap... Lol!
Cute film...
In spite of the gore.

Trust me,
My, you're nosey, aren't you?


I thought she looked kinda cute with short hair, but to each his own.

Your friendly neighborhood pastor


yea i thought she looked oright as well with short hair, she also had short hair in st elmos fire rember!


I disagree, I thought she was very attractive. You have a very fickle taste in women apparently.


like every girl does except winona ryder. i thought while watching this movie gosh dangit why did she cut her hair. she looks horrible with her hair short. and her hair cut does nothing for her beauty at all and it takes away a lot of her beauty, it makes her face look worse because she has such a big face.


but did you check the bod she was rockin'
just throw a wig on her and be done with it


