It's so sad!!!

Women who get abused by a man alway's get pity and the man get's jail time.Well i think it's about time men start talking about abusive women because there are a lot of them around,don't be ashamed to tell someone if a woman is abusing you,why let a woman get away with it.IT'S about time women pay for being abusive.I'm a woman and i would get very '
"abusive" with a woman who abuses my son.


Me too! I know I wouldn't have to worry about that though. My son pushes back harder than he gets pushed.

Hubba-Bubba is chewing gum! Prince Habeeboo is not chewing gum!


You mean..if a 30 Y.O. woman has sex with a 14 Y.O. boy--that she is NOT "doing him a favor" or "helping him to grow up",(this is EXACTLY what was said to me, regarding this subject, when I said that it it RAPE and the woman should go to PRISON.)

And that you do NOT like virtually EVERY commercial or tv show or movie, where women ROUTINELY hit, kick and rack men(kick them in the crotch)(the GEICO commercial was on the WORST of these, with the "happy birthday scene"), and it just seems to be "normal"--and MOST women say--"It's payback for the "old days"?

IN this world--a man is SUPPOSED to be the butt of ALL jokes, put-downs, and abuse.And if a man disagrees with this--he is "not a man".

As a man--I am considered a wuss, and more--for feeling that way.


"IN this world--a man is SUPPOSED to be the butt of ALL jokes, put-downs, and abuse.And if a man disagrees with this--he is "not a man"."

True JSouth1, and what's sad is that men were beginning to change their attitudes towards each other during the seventies, but we've (as a society) have undergone TERRIBLE regression.

Don't you think it's ironic that when they tell you to take it like a man, or that a man shouldn't speak up, it's actually telling him to basically ACT LIKE A LITTLE CHUMP PATSY BITCH!! . I don't mean bitch in reference to bad women--i just call bad women ***holes(lol). I just mean someone who just takes a bunch of crap. It would seem to me that you would be more of a man if you actually have the balls to speak up and stand up for you're rights as a man in particular and a human being in general--and yes, even towards women. Besides if there is supposed to be equality, then women should have no special protections or privileges.

This "take it like a man" total *beep* has to end pronto--it should have ended a long time ago. In conclusion, if you're a man and you take getting hit by a woman, you have a right as human being to stand up for yourself. She breaks down her rights to chivalry (ugh, i shouldn't even have to bring this up) and your protection and love once she starts violently assaulting you.

Men, time to wake the hell up!


I agree with the OP. Women deserve the same exact punishment as men if they hit their spouse first.
I thought it was outrageous in this film when Ed called the crisis line and tried to ask for help, and the people just dismissed him as a joke! Yes its true men can usually leave or fight back much easier than women can but still!
I felt so bad for Ed there.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


Not a lot of women, or men for that matter, realise that equality means all the good and all the bad.

Women don't realise that they are just as capable of defending themselves as men are. Similarly, most men don't realise that a woman can beat the living daylights out of them, as well as any wifebeater.

The Spacehunter Forum:


Are you honestly comparing the physical strength of a woman vs. a man?!
With the occasional exception, a man is always stronger than a woman physically!
Now, if a woman attacks a man with a weapon the odds may be more even. But with fists, I am sorry but a man can fight off an attacking female MUCH easier that the other way around.
I wish the sexes were designed with equal strength, but alas we weren't.

"I'd say this cloud is Cumulo Nimbus."
"Didn't he discover America?"
"Penfold, shush."


It is NEVER about outright strength. It's about what you do with that strength.
Yes, men can hit harder and exert more force on holds, etc... But there's far more than that.

It takes seven pounds of pressure to 'break' the windpipe and kill someone. Seven.
A child can manage that.

There are various other points that, if hit, will put ANYONE down. This has been true of human biology for millenia and there are accounts of this being common techniques among female fighters as early as 1180AD.
Having personally seen 209lbs of bloke get dropped in a boxing match against a woman who only stood 5' 2", again I reiterate that it's got nothing to do with strength.

It's also a psychological thing. Any man getting beaten by his wife would deny it, especially to himself. That's what this film is about - The social conformity of denying something because convention says it shouldn't happen. You're a MAN... a MAN would never allow something like this to happen and all that bollocks.

Ever heard of a man being 'henpecked' or 'under the thumb'? That's the public version. What happens behind closed doors is the more extreme version and that's what this film is bringing to light.

The fact that men aren't supposed to "get beaten up by women" - Forget it. Rewatch this film and see exactly how it happens - Usually to the men you'd least expect it to happen to!!

Then we'll start talking about women who rape men. THAT is a shocking one, for those who think it can never happen!

The Spacehunter Forum:


"Are you honestly comparing the physical strength of a woman vs. a man?!
With the occasional exception, a man is always stronger than a woman physically!
Now, if a woman attacks a man with a weapon the odds may be more even. But with fists, I am sorry but a man can fight off an attacking female MUCH easier that the other way around."

No, he can't. If a man fights back, in all probability he will be arrested for domestic violence. Having greater physical strength is no advantage if using it (even in self defense) is criminalized. The best thing for a man in an abusive relationship to do (if he can) is to get out. The abuser is even less likely to change than her male counterpart. Are there programs to treat female domestic violence abusers? Mostly, the message society sends abusive women is that abuse of men is either humorous (would we laugh at a husband who cut off his wife's clitoris?) or that it's justified. Many advocates for abused women continue to deny that abusive women exist (this also negatively impacts women, since ideology prevents them from acknowledging women can also be abused by other women in same sex relationships).

The argument that men can leave more easily is also fallacious. There is exactly one domestic violence shelter in the United States that will accept male victims of abuse (it's in the Nevada desert). If there are children from the relationship, he may be afraid to leave them alone with his abuser (he has scant chance of obtaining custody).


You should all do a little research on some things called "misandry", "men's rights", and "father's rights". These are issues we discuss every day.

As I've said in my review of this title, which hopefully will be published in a few days, men are at least half of all domestic violence victims.


I saw this movie for the first time last year on YT and I was struck by how powerful it was. I think it's a shame that both sides of the DV issue aren't told more. Everyone has brought up good points, especially the point about how a man may be afraid to defend himself against an abusive wife because he may be criminalized as an abuser himself if he tries to defend himself.

Truck or Squad. What side are you on?


Its rather sad AND confusing that these laws about men hitting women tend to only affect badly those who may defend themselves if attacked and not those that do the attacking, and also - are men like nearly always physically stronger than women?

What if some men are just too peaceful to fight back and are incapable of doing so?

And all this talk of feminism I find confusing as hell, its like, they have good intentions for women, but they hate all men because a lot of men are bad and that if men are victims they not only don't believe it but think they deserve it and there's nothing that can be done about it?

And with all of its power, feminism isn't likely overall to deter bad men from doing bad things to innocent women like that and such bad men don't fear THEY could get arrested and whatnot?

(I wonder if feminists themselves often speculate on why in real life good and evil concepts in humanity aren't as simple as they are in action movies. Also, are they really that powerful and intelligent, but how come bad people aren't afraid of them including bad men as such?)

What if law in such issues worked as simply as it did in cases like theft or worse - murder, quitely and effectively, without pressures from any subgroups?

I sometimes even think of this bizarre scenario - OK, it is unfair that bad people often hide themselves after doing something bad and can manipulate their way into escaping justifiable punishment. How about victims try a similar technique and use manipulation to escape their abusers and allow "unfair aspects of law and sub groups" to help them.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!


Its very sad the fact that our world of humanity is not only NOT perfect, but how it is often complex and confusing in a sense that even when we intend to do good, we still have those rather exceptional circumstances where somewhere as a result due to side effects of justice innocent people end up suffering, and why can't humanity for the most part just be normal IN the first place so that ordinary people on any side don't have to think in certain ways that allow innocent people to suffer even in exceptional circumstances?

Then again, if humanity never can achieve even general goodness for the most part, let alone perfection, should we finally eradicate ourselves like that with nuclear weapons so that we can avoid staying so disgraceful with each other?

After all - there are apparently things out there even worse than death, and humanity keeps proving it all the same.

The greatest trick the Devil has ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist!
