

While his intentions were pure from the start; he did end up committing multiple felonies including disobeying a court order. Disobeying the court order was illegal. He was told what he needed to do to get his kids in his custody much quicker and had he been himself and gone about it the right way; the next hearing he would have been given joint custody like the judge promised, unfortunately he took laws into his own hands and it backfired.
He was committing crimes left and right; including fraud and by cashing checks for a person who doesn't exist he committed a form of identity theft.

1. Before the divorce, he broke two laws. Those animals and petting zoo that wasn't zoned for a domestic neighborhood, and the cop told Miranda that it was illegal to possess them in the neighborhood and the cop was also responding to a noise violation, disturbing the peace.

2. He violated his court orders. He was told on Saturdays only; and after three months if he gets his apartment cleaned and fit for children, plus a well paying job, he could have joint custody with Miranda.

3. He created a person who doesn't exist and made a phony resume for her as he applied for the job.

4. Vandalism. He broke the emblem off of Stu's car, destruction of property.

5. Scamming his wife out of $300 daily.

6. Attempted murder. If Stu heard Daniel say, "Touch me again I'll drown you, you bastard." After Daniel spiked his food with pepper he could have an argument that it was premeditated.




6. The incident with the spiked food wasn't attempted murder, it was a spiteful prank that went too far. But at least Daniel did the right thing in the end by performing the heimlich maneuver and saved Stu in the process.
Stu seemed very quick to forgive him following this event (he shook Daniel's hand after he apologised), therefore it is unlikely that he pressed charges.


No that was attempted murder because Stu said that he was allergic to pepper and Daniel/Doubtfire heard him; heard him say it. Allergic reactions can kill like expired food, tobacco, alcohol or poison. If someone says that they're allergic to something you don't test it to see if they're telling the truth or to find out how severe the allergy is; it's a gamble. They could go into anaphalytic shock and die which was what was happening to Stu when his throat closed. Getting the shrimp out of his throat gave it the chance to settle down.
Yes the law can charge you with murder if they die
Hell, Daniel even said out loud; "Oh no! I killed the bastard!" How do you explain that sentence?


"Hell, Daniel even said out loud; "Oh no! I killed the bastard!" How do you explain that sentence?"

-Obviously it was in this moment that Daniel realised that his stunt had gone too far.
He wanted to spoil his meal out of jealousy/spite, not kill him. That's why he was horrified when he saw Stu in his life-threatening predicament and ended up saving him.
In a literal sense, how can that be classified as attempted murder!?


The law considers serving to allergy foods to someone else to be a form of attempted murder, especially if they die as a result and especially if you already knew about their allergy ahead of time. Stu said out loud that he was allergic to pepper and Daniel/Doubtfire heard him loud and clear. If you know someone is allergic to a certain food and you serve it to them as a joke or test to see if they're honest the law sees that as poisoning because you don't know whether or not the allergy will give the person hives or if their throat will close and they go into anaphalayctic shock. It still counts as attempted murder; it can be looked at as an intentional poisoning.

That's how it counts as attempted murder.


Daniel inserted himself in his ex-wife's house under the pretense of being a woman. Talk about the ultimate stalker.
