MovieChat Forums > Mrs. Doubtfire (1993) Discussion > Should Mrs. Doubtfire have agreed to dat...

Should Mrs. Doubtfire have agreed to date the lonely old bus driver?

The lonely old bus driver was so sad, but so nice to Mrs. Doubtfire. Should Mrs. Doubtfire have agreed to date him or at the very least agree to a dinner date to make him feel better?


I don’t know. Did you hear about the Virginia Tech football player who thought he was dating a woman only to find out she was trans / biological male. The football player beat the guy to death.

What if that was the bus driver’s reaction in Mrs. Doubtfire? Whole different movie for sure


LOL. Damn, that would be dark



He was acquitted, May 2022, and hopes to return to playing college football. Probably not with VT though.


How the fuck does that happen?!?! He admitted to it. How is he not guilty?? I looked up a few articles and it just said he was acquitted. How though?? Did they overcharge him? Did they allow for a lesser charge of manslaughter or only the one charge? This is messed up. I can see giving a few good knocks, but this was way too much. How the hell did he get acquitted??


he was tricked into being a homo against his will. this is kinda similar to rape. if a woman is being raped she is allowed to kill her attacker. the homo who got killed was asking for it. the football dude probably pled insanity defense and got off scott free rightfully so. he made the world a better place by ridding of that gay predator. he should have been given a pat on the back and never been arrested in the first place if u ask me


The assault didn’t happen after the oral sex. The guy’s friends were teasing him that he got sucked off by a tranny and he went back to check him/her out. When he noticed facial hair, he beat him to death and claimed self-defense because tranny had a knife under his/her mattress.


I was surprised at the verdict. He claimed self-defense. They found a knife under he/she’s mattress.

I think they found a very anti-gay jury who was sickened by he/she’s deceitful games.


No. Better not to lead him on.


Probably not because it would end awkward as neither of them were gay.
