MovieChat Forums > Much Ado About Nothing (1993) Discussion > Keanue Reeves is Denzel Washington's bro...

Keanue Reeves is Denzel Washington's brother?

Must be a brother from another mother!

BTW- Reeves wasn't great with his dialog, but he did convey an appropriately villainous persona.

I was born in the house my father built


Reeves' character Don John was anti-social to begin with. So, communication wouldn't have been a strong suite.


True, but Denzel's sibling?
A brother from another mother?
I was born in the house my father built


In the days of Shakespeare men played women's parts and no one was expected to look quite like who they were portraying. I think this is Branagh's homage to that.


Also Branagh has stated a few times his interpretations are often not set in any particular time or place. Thats why its OK they have modern musical instruments at the dance and people eat seedless grapes. Those did not exist in Shakespeare's time. Mixed race brothers would not be out of place in his universe. As are people speaking in English and American accents when they are supposed to be Italian or Spanish.

His version of Hamlet was even more fantasy-like. nothing is specific to a certain time period. Theres a mix of dark ages, medieval, renaissance, and industrial ages.


The actual dialogue refers to Don John (Reeves) being the Prince's bastard brother - being Shakespeare he would have been using the word in it's traditional sense: illegitimate. It is entirely possible for two half-brothers to look this dissimilar.


lol how did I know some idiot would bring the race card on this board at some point.

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


First, in the theatre world it is called colorblind casting. Secondly, Don John was Don Pedro's illegitimate half brother, so the difference in looks is explainable. In addition, this relationship explaination would in Shakespeare's day have been the way for the audience to identify from the beginning who the "bad guy" would be. The "bastard" brother because of his bitternress and anger over his status would be full of revenge and would therefore cause trouble for all associated with his legitimate brother.


It's on IMDB FAQ:

"Don John is referred to twice in the play as a "bastard", so he is only his half-brother. In Sicily of the time, it is not impossible that a light-skinned lord would be married to a black woman and have another son by a white mistress."


So they WERE all supposed to be related, as in real brothers? I assumed they just called each other brother because they were close like brothers.

Ashmi any question


Same mother, different dad.


A Prince of Aragon would have never been black, to begin with, so from this point on, anything will be weird


I thought it was the same father but different mother?

You don't know what might have been accepted in Italy.


Actually, in Spain. That part of Italy was under Aragonese (Spanish) rule in the time of the events


"I'm a Eurocentric, white supremacist racist who knows nothing of history except what I think I know is true!" - You


Yes, this was bafflin'.
Camon, it doesn't take a genius to see they look completely different, and there's no way they have genes in common.
Yet someone always has to bring in their silly, misplaced "you're racist" arguments.

🐺 Boycott movies that involve real animal violence (& their directors) 🐾


It's not baffling if you understand Shakespeare and the history of Europe. At one time, the Moors (North Africans) had conquered Spain. Don Pedro was from a Spanish family who were descended from Moors while Don J-o-h-n's mother did not. Shakespeare had a great grasp of history and sociology, and his plays reflect this.

But all this doesn't matter. Denzel Washington is a superb actor who took to Shakespeare like a fish to water. I think Kenneth Branagh, who was an acclaimed Shakespearean actor and stage director before this film, believed that Washington had the chops to portray Don Pedro.
