
This is without a doubt one of the funniest movies ever. So many hillarious moments. Tim Curry as a wilderness girl, the shadow of the hand following Emilo up the stairs, everything else in it.

This and the 'Three Amigos' are the best comedies.


Friggin' right man, the shadow of the hand, I laughed at that so hard when I was a kid and still to this day. Uhhhhhhhh eeeeeeehhhh

"Don't let me die with that silly look in my eyes."


Yeah, I was on the floor for a while after hearing the "Vilderness Guuurls" the first time. Heck, it still puts me to the floor. Excellent line from Curry! :D





I laughed at the hand but I never actually got it.

What's so funny about Vilderness Guuurls? Just the way he says it or does it have a special meaning?



I absolutely LOVE the scene with Tim Curry and Whoopi Goldberg!

"Is he on Alpine, or Oak?"


"She must of caught herself by surprise" After Whoopis 7 bullet suicide.

by far one of the best lines in the history of comedy!


Yeah. Tim Curry was great in that movie. Another part that I liked was in the shootout at the convience store and it shows Colt's view from a pair of binoculars, but then turns out to be toilet paper.


It's the little gags in the film that make it so damn funny. As someone mentioned in another thread, there's a scene where Colt is in the middle of a shoot-out, and suddenly he has a teddy bear.
Also the coupon pile in the minimart, the arrest of Mr Potatohead- just little things like that.


Little gags, definitely. For instance, in the investigation of Luger's partner's death scene, in the background some of the officers are having their picture taken with Larry Bird-- a cardboard stand-up Larry Bird.


"So why don't you make like a tree and get out of here."


Right before that Proctor was talking with one of the other officers about his design ideas for the house, changing the color scheme and knocking down walls...


I think the teddy bear was in the scene where Luger pulls up with the car and slips and falls as he gets out. I'm not sure if that was intentional or not... I like to think it wasn't and they just left it in because it was funny, like Ted Stroehmann smacking his head on the ambulance as the crew tried to put him in the back (in There's Something About Mary).


"Yeah. Tim Curry was great in that movie."

That's not saying much - Tim Curry is great in every movie he's in.

However, this is a funny movie. One of those underrated classics, just like Wrongfully Accused, which is also wrongfully accused of being a bad movie.


"All right. This loser took the chicken *beep* way out and punched her own ticket."



"This is without a doubt one of the funniest movies ever. So many hillarious moments. Tim Curry as a wilderness girl, the shadow of the hand following Emilo up the stairs, everything else in it."

OMG!!! Those are my 2 favorite moments in the entire movie.

A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have.


How about Bruce Willis's cameo, also did anyone notice Denis Richards cameo as one of Denis Leary's singers?


Yeah, No problem... No problem!
