MovieChat Forums > The Sandlot (1993) Discussion > Why didnt Benny get sick?

Why didnt Benny get sick?

The scene where they ride that one ride while they were chewing tobacco. They showed everyone riding on that ride and getting sick and then throwing up except Benny. Is it because Benny never took it? Perhaps they didn't want his character doing something "bad" like that because he is suppose to be goody goody? Thoughts?


OK I just went back to the scene where they were passing out the chew and it definitely shows Benny taking some and putting it in his mouth. So he did take the chew, but they don't show him even riding the ride at all or getting sick just everyone else. I wonder why?


He was a couple years older and a physical specimen of muscle and athletic ability, he was in much better position to take the chew and handle it not getting sick.


Eh not a big deal I guess. Just odd why they didn't show him, you can be Arnold shape and still get sick from chewing tobacco.


Maybe I'm looking too much into it, but since Benny was the cool one of the group, him not getting sick like the others is another example of his superiority over them.

Reportin' live for Black TV: White folks are dead, we gettin' the f*@# outta here!


Benny took a very small amount compared to the others.
At least that's what I saw


Benny's too cool to get sick


This always weirdly stuck out to me as well. Maybe it was because he was supposed to be the cool, cute one as the actor was being pushed as a teen idol at the time so maybe they didn't want to use him in a gross out humor scene. Interestingly enough though Kenny (the team pitcher) also disappears from the scene.


You guys are way overthinking this.

It's probably just because they didn't get good footage of Benny barfing.


It could have been that Benny was smart enough to spit, the rest all were swallowing their saliva mixed with the tobacco, making them sick.


It could have been that Benny was smart enough to spit, the rest all were swallowing their saliva mixed with the tobacco, making them sick.

This. I don't know why nobody gets this. The kids chew and swallow the product, and only spit once the ride is moving. Benny either isn't swallowing it or his portion was small, since there is no focus on his barfing.

"I can't help but notice that there are skulls all over everything. Are we the baddies?"


I didn't notice this, but it was probably because Benny was too cool to get sick like the others.

Very good. But brick not hit back!


He was a man among boys


Benny was a man-child.


Maybe Benny had experience with the chew.
