One really dark scene

When Benny is running from the Beast he pushes a guy off a bicycle and jumps onto a car. The next scene we hear growling and the bicycle man screaming and the Beast viciously mauls him to death. We then see the mangled bicycle fly up into the air. Thought this was a very grim and unnecessary addition to an otherwise whole, family movie.


Yeah, that was supposed to be comic value, I don't think it was literally to imply the guy was mauled to death, in the end it showed the Beast did not really maul people. But that did seem a bit out of place.


That part always made me laugh, and I guess it's because it was done in a comedic way.

You want something corny? You got it!


I don't think the guy was hurt bad other than being pushed off his bike. The Beast threw the bike up in the air like the Erector set for comic effect. The Beast was more interested in chasing Benny and it was revealed later that the Beast really didn't want to hurt anybody.


Remember that until the fence falls on the dog, he is portrayed as the boys imagine him to be, a vicious killer. Only at the end do they realize he's just a big family pet. So, no the guy didn't really die.
