New direct sequel

They should make a new one that is a direct sequel to the original.

It should have all the same people.

They should all be old washed up pieces of crap playing in a beer league softball league.

Porter is a big fat drunk.

Benny blew his knee out with the dodgers and is addicted to pain pills.

Smalls committed suicide so his hat just sits in centerfield.

Squints is a child abuser and beats his wife Wendy, has lots of tattoos.

Yeah-Yeah is a coke head, and a huge douche bag.

DeNunez does roids to get that heater velocity up and his arms are so big he can't wipe his own butt. Also teaches ethnic swim classes at the local pool.

Bertram is a sex offender and lives in moms basement looking at illegal porn. Nothing has changed for his character.

Timmy murdered Tommy for repeating everything but the cops didn't have any evidence against him.

Smalls stepdad Bill is paralyzed from the neck down and still beats his wife.

Then the local rivals come the Sandlot, and the rivalry is brought back to life. Can the team overcome their drug/alcohol addictions, and other problems? Can Bill coach the team even though he is paralyzed? Will Mr. Myrtle's meth lab finally be shut down?

Just another day at the office for old Harry.


With Tommy dead they only have eight. Do you they search the planet for Elswenger and bring him back, or does Bill become player/coach and just plant himself out in right?

"That's my secret, Cap. I'm always angry."


Smalls is dead too, so that's only 7.

Can they overcome this depleted roster and their addictions?

Just another day at the office for old Harry.


I hate what you've done to the people



Just another day at the office for old Harry.


This is a great thread.

Just another day at the office for old Harry.
