This was racist

I'm Persian

every time I tell someone It's racist they think of the hopper/walken scene.

But I can't blame her Persians are my turnoff as well.


When I first saw it, I thought she meant Persian Cats, not Persian people.

Some people think I'm crazy but I lived here all my life and I ain't 'fraid of no rolly-coaster!!


"When I first saw it, I thought she meant Persian Cats, not Persian people. "

Same here! I really think that's what the line meant, when referring to the ethnic group, I think folk these days say "Iranian"


The people in this movie are racist, sure. But that's true for a lot of movies (and real life people). So what?


Yea really. Everybody has racism in them. It's a sad fact but it's true. I thought they were spot on


Well by the same logic I guess everybody's a little gay then huh?


"Man it's hollywood - everyone's a little gay"

'Get yourself a real dog. Any dog under 50 lbs is a cat and cats are pointless' - Ron Swanson


You offerin'???

Or my isn't name...


if you were a white girl you'd understand why. persian men are overly sexually aggressive and don't take no for an answer. especially if you were a white, blond, call girl.

