How bad was the abuse really?

Does anyone know where to locate Tina actually describing the abusive incidents? I'm wondering if he just slapped her once and was done or if was really that violent.


Read her book, "I, Tina" which the movie is based on. In reality, it was much, much worse than what is depicted in the movie.


The biggest difference is the movie is 2 hours. The reality was 20 years.


In Tina’s book she presented him as a complicated, disturbed individual. He wasn’t some one-dimensional pimp who only had a knack for talent scouting and beating women. Bassett and Fishburne deserved a better script.

by Anonymous reply 9 February 2, 2023 7:55 AM


How 'bad' is any abuse? Are there degrees to be tolerated? Sheesh...
Would a kick have been worse than a slap? Any man who lays his hands on a woman in violence should be taken out and horsewhipped.


Maximus Decimus Meridius


Ike threw hot coffee at Tina's face, burned her lip with a cigarette, beat her with a belt or shoe stretcher. Yeah, it's pretty bad.


<< Ike threw hot coffee at Tina's face, burned her lip with a cigarette, beat her with a belt or shoe stretcher. >>

She also wrote that he would want sex after beating her...which was harder for her than being hit.


Tina opened up about Ike's abuse to Oprah Winfrey on the O Channel a few years ago. There is a transcript online somewhere. She speaks more in detail of the abuse. You have to realise that they could only show so much in the film, otherwise it would have been R rated. What abuse is shown, is very bad. One can only imagine the day to day existence for Tina being married to that horrible cocaine addicted moron.


The movie already has an R rating, but I know what you mean.

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


Tina was also surprised when Disney first picked up the rights since they usually do children's films. They wanted to make the film much, much, tamer but she said that her life was not tame, it was as bad as needed to be shown. See this interview for more:


Thanks for the clip, Carrie! I agree with Tina. You can't completely clean up someone's past when you're telling the story of their life. She doesn't have the luxury of downplaying or "prettying up" her memories so why should they be presented in a tame way in the film?

Don't eva let nobody tell you you ain't strong enough


The recording studio rape scene was brutal. I know a lot of people have criticized Tina for being involved with a nonblack man, but after what she went through for almost 20 years, nobody can criticize her. Best thing she ever did was leave Ike.


People are stupid. Really, she found love after a horrific marriage and they find her at fault for being with a white man?


"The recording studio rape scene was brutal."

And it was also fiction. Ike never raped Tina, and she even admitted this. She said that he would beat her and upon the beating ask her for sex. She consented out of fear that if she had refused him he would have resumed the beatings. But she said Ike never coerced her to have sex. The scene was created for dramatic purposes.


She consented out of fear that if she had refused him he would have resumed the beatings. But she said Ike never coerced her to have sex.

This is, in fact, the definition of rape through coercion. While I wouldn't presume to speak for a survivor, it certainly warrants pointing out here that consenting to sex out of fear for one's personal safety is absolutely coercive rape.

Was this taken from the book (I admit, I've only seen the film), or from a later interview? Either way, I'd love to see a source on this.


Still rape though. :(


"Still rape though. :("

Nah, not really.


It is since she had the sex just cause she was afraid. She didn't really want to.


YES, it IS rape.


Sparky48 So you would be ok with what you just described happening to your Mother or your Sister ? She consented out of fear that if she had refused him he would have resumed the beatings ? Er i think that you find that is rape.


So, in Tina's mind her father and Ike are the examples of Black men everywhere? Please watch the tone. You insinuate that she's with non black men because of what she went through. And even go as far as to say, "who can blame her?"


I know right? As if white men don't abuse women as well. If anything white men are a lot worse in their abuse.


If anything white men are a lot worse in their abuse

citation needed


So, in Tina's mind her father and Ike are the examples of Black men everywhere? Please watch the tone. You insinuate that she's with non black men because of what she went through. And even go as far as to say, "who can blame her?"

That wasn't worded right but I'm sure she sees her current husband as an upgrade and she's been with him a lot longer than she was with Ike. Hey, she didn't give up on love at least.

Ouch, mama that was my ear!


Ltay328 She is entitled to make her decisions from HER experiences and it is HER choice if she thereafter avoids relationships with Black men, same as you have your own choices.


I believe really bad


1 Smack, to a man's face,OR women face is abusive enough, that IMO is bad enough
and abuse...Movie was just about 100% accurate tina put her rubber stamp on it
and said,it was so well done, to perfection. and quite hard to watch.
1 hit is "bad"enough,Trismike



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GH/Bold/Days/Y&R soaps por eternidad.


"If he just slapped her once" Seriously? Wow, your girlfriend/wife is a lucky woman...
