Love this movie...

I got this movie early this summer and love it, and by tomorrow there should be a copy of it at the local video store, I'm taking a few movies down for the manager to see if he'll accept them, and I'm hoping they do, this one especially. It's a good movie and it deserves more attention than it gets.



Me too :D


I love this movie to! It is so great! They are all great actors in it. :D:D


I fisrt saw this movie when I was 10. I loved it then and I love it now. Even though I never understood half of the concepts when I was 10 I still loved it. :)

Screws fall out all the time, the worlds an imperfect place. - The Breakfast Club


The most important things about this movie are 1: how the girls protected one another. Cody saving Anita by shooting the Abusive man at the beginning. Then Anita and Lily going after Eileen after she ended up in jail. Next Cody, Eileen and Anita went after Lily after she was captured by Kid Jarrett, then Anita saving Cody from being shot by Ned. 2: How cowardly and ( or) fake the people were in the two towns where the women showed up. 3: How abused physically ( not to mention psychologically) the women were ( only Eileen was not shown to get hurt on screen). 4: The fact that the girls are not exactly going to have a happy life digging for gold up in the Klondike. Yet they preferred it to staying with Eileen and William. Eileen will be the only one who has a chance for a happy life because she is a ranch girl and being tied down works best for her ( unlike Cody ( outlaw), Anita ( pioneer woman), and Lily ( rodeo star)), plus William does not care about her past ( except for the added bonus that she can help work a ranch).
