MovieChat Forums > Bad Girls (1994) Discussion > What would have happened in sequel?

What would have happened in sequel?

If there'd been a sequel to Bad Girls, what would have happened in the sequel?


Probably Cody, Anita and Lily would go back to Eileen for a little reunion and take on a whole other gang of bank robbers or bastards like the colonel.


Or, the railroad, or some foreign cattle baron comes in and kills William and steals Eileen's ranch, leaving her for dead. She somehow makes it to Oregon, and brings Cody and Lilly back to "settle up", while Anita stays in Oregon to "mind the store"? I wouldn't mind a sequel, at all.

"... coffee, coffee, coffee, coffee, java, cappuccino ...


I don't think that Cody,Anita & Lilly ended up going to Oregon.That was the original plan when they decided to use the land that Anita & her late husband had purchased in Oregon,the 4 women were going to start a sawmill.However,when Anita checked with the banker & found that the papers she had for the land were invalid due to her husband being deceased & a single woman could not take possession of the land,that plan went out the window.At the end of the movie Cody,Anita & Lilly were going to take on Josh's mining claim instead since that was their only available option.Not sure where that claim was but I don't believe it was in Oregon.


Josh's claim was in the Yukon.

For a sequel, I think it'd kinda cool to have Cody, Lilly and Anita come back and somehow take on the role of sheriff and deputies and also take on and defeat the Pinkertons.


Any follow up would not have had Andie ( Eileen Spenser). Eileen really wanted to get back to ranch life halfway through Bad Girls, and was very different ( much softer) then the others. It could have been like The Far Country ( James Stewart, Walter Brennan and Corrine Calvet) which takes place in the Yukon and its about claim jumping. They could have found another woman to take Eileen's place and (or) another love interest for Cody.
