Fake sky?

So I watched this with a movie-gofer friend of mine, and she claimed that you could clearly tell that the sky were fake. She said that there’s always a little movement in the skies, and as you can see in the movie the skies are hanging completely still. Well, I believe her since she’s totally inn to movies and all, but what I don’t get is why they would use props to make the skyline when they’re out in the open? I get that most this film was probably filmed at some “Not so big budget set”, but some of the locations are really open, like at the ranch and such, and I just don’t see why they would use a fake sky there?

Oh and is there any special tips to spot a fake sky in movies?


Yeah, it is true that when clouds are present in the sky "there's always a little movement", however that movement can be very slow depending on wind currents, atmospheric pressure, dew point and other factors. In the brief shots that you get of the sky you're not going to be able to see these changes. Not to mention that there are several takes done of any given scene and from many angles.
