MovieChat Forums > Bad Girls (1994) Discussion > why was this rated r ?

why was this rated r ?

I really don't understand hollywood sometimes, if you have a rated r movie that features prostitutes shouldn't there be some sexuality or nudity involved?
what about the people getting shot but didn't bleed?

this movie seems more like a fantasy movie that has no ties to realism or common sense.
maybe the idiots in charge thought that women wouldn't see it if it had violence or nudity?

why did they feel they had to get all these big name actress's for?


Actually during the initial theatrical release they didn't show the women's was rated that way for western violence if I recall...people being shot, what Jarrett did to Cody, to say nothing of that prospector, everybody getting shot...too much for a PG-13 rating, by those standards anyway...I don't know about today.


In the Netherlands is has a rating 12 years and older.


I saw a version of it where they show Brew Barrymores's breast while the women are bathing in a spring. That could be one reason.


The scene when you see Barrymore's breast wasn't in the theatrical version. It was added when the film went to video. Regardless that shot wasn't enough for an R rating. If I remember you only get a very brief glimpse of it.


Perhaps it was rated "R" for violence, although not terribly violent by todays standards.

You sound dissapointed that it shows little to no nudity.
They Just might have aquired these big name actress's because they wanted good actress's and not just because they have boobs.

Sorry it dissapointed you. I thought it was a pretty cool movie.
If you want nudity and blood and gore then perhaps you would like the Friday the 13th movies better.

I prefer movies where women hold their own against violent men.
Perhaps that is why I liked this one.
That and the fact that the actress's did a very fine job. (With their Cloths on most of the time)


Nobody cares about your opinion albertfoster a legitimate question was brought up about the movie. Whether you liked the movie or not and for whatever reason you liked it doesn't matter. The movie was bombed. So you can enjoy it because they had their clothes on, the moved bombed horribly. So go lecture someone else and try not to do it about a bad movie that bombed horribly.


- journeyman968

"Nobody cares about your opinion albertfoster a legitimate question was brought up about the movie."

Well first let me thank you for speaking for the IMDB board.
Second Did I not address the legitimate question as asked?
Third unlike you I have no authority to speak for the board so instead I offer my opinion.

"Whether you liked the movie or not and for whatever reason you liked it doesn't matter."

First these boards exist so a person can offer their opinion.
Second is there a problem with giving my reasons for either liking or disliking a movie?
Third if it doesn't matter then why respond?

"The movie was bombed."

First was the movie drunk?
Second was it an act of terrorism?
Third do you mean the movie bombed?

"So you can enjoy it because they had their clothes on,"

First please reread what I said.
Second I enjoyed it for what it was not for what it was not.
Third I gave my reasons but as you stated you don't want to hear them.

"the moved bombed horribly."

First I am not one of these people who looks for grammar, misspelling or other abominations of the English Language.
Second does that (Your) statement make any sense to you?
Third If you meant the movie (Perhaps a typo) Does it matter that it bombed.

"So go lecture someone else and try not to do it about a bad movie that bombed horribly."

First I apologize for coming across as giving a lecture.
Second I accept your lecturing of myself gratefully.
Third do you always have to follow the masses or do you occasionally make up your own mind?


Common reasons for an "R" rating,this is without seeing the film yet. The "F-Word" said more than 3 times in anger/disgust,etc. Or,said once in reference to wanting to do a sexual act. Like having sex! Another common reason. If the shooter and victim are both in the same frame while being shot. usually cut-aways are used to avoid an "R" rating. There are more. But these are the most common.

I Kill Kids!


A friend of mine attended a test screening of this movie and she told me she was really disappointed with it. I remember she specifically said that all four female leads were raped and she said it made it difficult to watch.

When I saw the movie on video I told her that there were no scenes of rape, but that it was alluded to with at least one of the characters.

So it's certainly possible that there were more intense or graphic scenes that were in the movie, but had to be cut to at least receive the "R" rating.


Did your friends viewing of the movie allude to the rapes. Or,did it show them happening? DVD releases of movies never,as far as I know remove footage for a release. They usually add stuff. Hence the rise of the "Un-Rated Vers." So,your friends disgust just might be with the fact that the rapes happened within the context of the film. And not because they were actually shown in the film. Liquor & Whores,Bitches!

I Kill Kids!


I do recall her specifically saying that the four leads were raped and that she had problems with watching that. While she did not describe the scenes, I got the sense that something was depicted because if it had just been alluded to my friend would not have brought that up.

And you are correct: most DVD releases of movies do add some deleted scenes. But that is at the discretion of the director and producers. It's certainly possible they chose not to include them.


This movie is airing tonight on TV in my country. I came to this board by clicking on the link to this film. I have actually seen this film over a decade ago, on VHS.

Regarding the nudity/sex/rape... I seem to recall that the Drew Barrymore character was eventually caught/kidnapped by the hooligans and was subsequently raped by all the men! They were taking turns. I don't seem to recall showing anything explicit but they were definitely talking about whose turns it was to "be with her". Since the character was a prostitute, she didn't make a whole lot of noise of being treated that way. I think there was perhaps one shot that introduced the rape scene with a half-naked Barrymore bent over. Later on she was rescued by her friends. This might've been what your female friend was disgusted with?
Again, I saw this film over a decade ago, so I may be mistaken.

If that helps...
