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Why did Eddie Murphy agree to work with John Landis again?

Murphy infamously had a falling out with Landis after they did Coming to America. Basically, Murphy was pissed that Landis was not only non-remorseful for his role in the Twilight Zone movie accident that killed Vic Morrow and two children, but Landis was openly hostile towards Murphy for not testifying in his defense during the trial. This was after Murphy bent over backwards to convince Paramount to hire Landis for Coming to America, after Landis was radioactive due to said accident.


No idea, but really interesting story. Landis seems like a huge POS.




You could have directed Coming to America but didn’t. Why?

I wanted to help out [the director, John] Landis. I figured I’d give this guy a shot because his career was fucked. But he wound up fucking me.

What happened?

As it turned out, John always resented that I hadn’t gone to his Twilight Zone trial. I never knew that; I thought we were cool. But he’d been harboring it for a year. Every now and then, he would make little remarks, like, “You didn’t help me out; you don’t realize how close I was to going to jail.” I never paid any mind.

Did you think he was guilty?

I don’t want to say who was guilty or who was innocent. [pauses] But if you’re directing a movie and two kids get their heads chopped off at fucking twelve o’clock at night when there ain’t supposed to be kids working, and you said, “Action!” then you have some sort of responsibility. So my principles wouldn’t let me go down there and sit in court. That’s just the way I am. If somebody in my family was guilty of something, I wouldn’t sit there for them in a courtroom and say, “You’ve got my support.” Fuck that. The most it would be is, “Hey, you go work that out. I still love ya; I’m still your friend.”


Why Eddie Murphy Had Beef With Coming To America's Director

Eddie Murphy's hit Coming To America is easily one of the greatest comedies to date. The film would solidify Murphy as an icon but behind the scenes things weren't as cordial between Murphy and director John Landis.


I suspect that Eddie Murphy is simply one of those "if you scratch my back, I'll scratch your back" type of people. What I mean is that he'll go out of his way to help people who he feels helped him on his way up or were always loyal or nice to him. I've always heard that Eddie put Redd Foxx in Harlem Nights and the sitcom The Royal Family to help out with his tax troubles. Eddie even paid for Redd's funeral in 1991.

He also put his childhood friend, Clint Smith in a role as one of the barbers in Coming to America:

And Charlotte Lewis, his Golden Child co-star told about how Eddie Murphy came to her aid when she was broke:

Charlotte was paid 150,000 dollars (a little under Pounds 100,000) for The Golden Child. But taxes and a bit of extravagant living soon ate that up. Soon she found herself virtually broke and down on her luck back in London-until Eddie Murphy came to her rescue.

She explained: « He’d asked me to come and visit his family in New Jersey, and I started to cry on the telephone and said, ‘Eddie, I’m totally broke, I don’t even have enough money to buy food’.

« He told me I HAD to go back to Los Angeles and restart my career. He sent me a one-way first-class plane ticket to LA, had a car meet me and take me to an apartment he’d rented for me.

« I was instructed to go to a local bank where I found an account opened for me with 50,000 dollars in it-that’s about Pounds 30,000. Let me emphasize that he and I have never been lovers. It was just a generous Eddie Murphy gesture. » Charlotte bounced back in the film Dial Help. Since then she has appeared in movies such as Excessive Force, Men Of War, The Glass Cage, Mutual Needs, Navajo Blues and Legion. She has also appeared in several TV shows, including a small part in hit comedy Seinfeld.

In the case of John Landis, I'm guessing that Eddie was trying to be generous since Landis was one of the directors that he worked with early on his his career (on Trading Place) and set him on-track to become a major movie star (which was all but solidified/cemented with the first Beverly Hills Cop in 1984).


I don't know, Eddie didn't ever scratch Joe Piscopo's back even though they were the only two stars of SNL when it was at it's worse. Eddie never put Piscopo in a movie, nor anything else.

Landis said he asked Eddie to do a specific scene in 1993's Beverly Hills Cop 3, it was a scene Eddie didn't want to do, and Eddie had been a big pain in the ass to Landis, telling him "Axel's a man, now" and wanting to basically kill what made Axel funny and likable. Eddie was at a low point in BHC 3 and he told Landis "I'll do this scene, but we're not friends anymore".

Landis also remarked that Eddie can still be funny "when he wants to".


I thought the same. If they were using non-union labor or allowed other hazardous conditions to exist, then the producers, including Baldwin, share the blame.

But I doubt anything criminal will come from it. I still remember John Landis violated child labor laws, and had children working long hours (along with the crew), even into the morning hours. He even hid the kids from the fire safety crew so they wouldn’t report his breaking the law. At 2:30 in the morning, when everyone was exhausted, Landis kept yelling at the helicopter pilot to fly lower, until the pyrotechnics knocked off the rotor. The helicopter decapitated the two children along with actor Vic Morrow. Landis wasn’t convicted of anything, and has never apologized. Because he’s famous.

It doesn’t sound like what Baldwin did is anywhere near what Landis did. In this case, it’s probably an accident more than recklessness.


Sounds like a pretty serious falling out.

I guess they patched things up well enough to work together. They'd had success together in the past, so that's not a bad incentive. The Eagles even managed to get along well enough to tour again eventually, since there was a small fortune at stake.


I wonder why Eddie Murphy didn't ask Walter Hill, his 48 Hrs./Another 48 Hrs. director to helm BCHIII? At least, he is unlike John Landis, a tried and true "action" director. Plus, I'm not aware of Murphy ever bad-mouthing Hill or joking that Vic Morrow had a better chance of working with him again.


It sounds like it was the other way around and that John Landis was the one who begged for Eddie Murphy to work with him on Coming to America:

Supposedly after making several box office bombs, Landis begged Eddie Murphy let him direct Coming to America which Murphy planned to do himself but got guilt-tripped over Trading Places helping Eddie's career, then the actor quickly regretted it by Landis acting like an total ass to him and act like he was doing Murphy a favor.
