MovieChat Forums > Canadian Bacon (1995) Discussion > Michael Moore's best movie

Michael Moore's best movie

I wish he'd go back to making fictional films again. Or perhaps just another with Rip Torn.


Oh! I thought you were going to mention the title of Michael Moore's best movie. Surely you are not suggesting that *this* film is...

Mr. Moore should stick to doing documentaries.


LOL there is some serious irony in watthead's original post....



Yeah I could write an essay about this movie being more truthful as comedy, with excellent political themes, than his documentaries, which are in fact full of propaganda and strait lies.


What are you talking about?

He never stopped making fictional films...did you not see Bowling for Columbine? Fahrenheit 911?

There was less truth in those than in Canadian Bacon!


So instead of taking up Michael Moore's offered reward of thousands of dollars to who ever is able to point out a lie in his movies, you're claiming there's lies on IMDB...?


You mean this wasn't based on a true story? But I coulda sworn...Guess it was the pot that made me think we invaded Canadia.

My perfect threesome, me, Angelina Jolie, and Dominique Francon.


I'm pretty sure you guys did invade us. I seem to remember chasing a few Americans off my lawn with a rake a few years back, though it coulda just been the acid I took that day.


All his movies suck horribly. Michael Moore hates America!!


lol then why are you on this board, genius? That would be like me going on a board for a movie made by Glen Beck or something and complaining about him. I disagree with him but I don't think he hates America, nor do i intentionally seek out a discussion board about him. I'll express my distaste for him when someone personally brings him up to me.


This may indeed be Moore's best work. Of course, that doesn't say much...


What are you talking about? All of his films are fictional :) But yes, I agree this one was by far and away his best work.

"Mankind cannot solve the world's problems. Mankind is the problem."


He never stopped making fictional films. He is a great fictional film director.
