MovieChat Forums > Crumb (1995) Discussion > 100 things I've learned from watching Cr...

100 things I've learned from watching Crumb...

100. R. Crumb enjoys wearing sweatervests.
99. According to an ex-girlfriend, R. Crumb has one of the largest penis' in
the world.
98. R. Crumb acquired the cuteness curse while working at American Greeting's.
97. If you're a young jewish girl with a nice peach-shaped butt, avoid old
pervs like Maxon.
96. It takes three days for a soggy wet piece of rope to pass thru one's body.
95. One cannot simply go to the store & buy a bed of nails.
94. While still alive, R. Crumb's father would routinely blow his stack.
93. Jesse wants to show affection to the old man- but the old man is unable to
reciprocate these signs of affection.
92. France is slightly less evil than the U.S.
91. According to a Japanese article, constant smiling is a sign of deep


90. Humans are walking advertisements.
89. Beatrice Crumb hates film equipment.
88. All moving men are jocks.
87. Be a loving father.


88. Crumb doesn't "believe" in autographs.


85. Horrific events from your family's past are are best dealt with by laughing nervously.


84. A briefcase full of sketchbooks can be traded for a villa in the South of France.


83. Two weeks on Haldol will cure anything.


82. His name suits him.


81. Aline Crumb should use a much larger spoon when ladling spaghetti sauce over pasta.


80. If you're Charles Crumb, the decision to get a lobotomy is a casual one.


79. The commercialism of the San Francisco 49ers was one of the biggest branding threats of the late 1980's and early 1990's.

