MovieChat Forums > Crumb (1995) Discussion > Interesting That Crumb's Sisters Decline...

Interesting That Crumb's Sisters Declined To Be Interviewed

what do you think about the two Crumb daughters ( Robert's sisters ) declining to be interviewed for this documentary ?

were they so embarassed by how their three brothers turned out that they didn't want to be part of this ?

were they so scarred by their upbringing that they didn't want to dredge up the past ?




They probably have new lives and don't want to be reminded of living with that dysfunctional family.


They did an interview in a magazine or two, after the movie came out,and according to an issue in "Entertainment Weekly", they stated that Robert grossly exaggerated their father's personality - one example being the story that their father broke Robert's arm; according to them, it was accidental.


I thought he broke Robert's collarbone, not his arm.


None of us will ever know if Robert was exaggerating that (or any other of the stories about how horrible his father was), but it is worth noting that in many cases where there is abuse in a household some family members may try to make excuses for the abusers.


Yeah, when it comes down to one family member "exaggerating" abuse, and other family members denying or excusing it, it's fairly easy to guess which is likely to be the more truthful, if you know much about abusive families.

This is my new sig. Do you like it?


Terry Zwigoff said on the commentary that his sister Sandra was a lesbian separatist and refused to be interview because she hated Crumb's work and thought he was a misogynist. His other sister saw the movie later on and then reconnected with him.


i read in an interview with Maxon Crumb that one of his sisters tried to sue Robert and the film makers. Shortly after that she died of cancer of some sort. I think Maxon remarked on this by saying "She was Killed by Karma." Somthing like that any way/


what the hell is a lesbian separatist?

someone who doesn't believe homosexuals and heterosexuals should live together? or a homosexual who's also racist?

back in 98 I did a titty comedy for Skinemax. Sex Camp, ya remember it?


Maybe they weren't treated the same way as the sons.
