MovieChat Forums > Crumb (1995) Discussion > Maxon is now looking VERY scary!

Maxon is now looking VERY scary!


Can't you read? It says SPOILERS!


WHOA! is right!

I'm so used to the hyperbolic tendencies of posters on these boards that I just had to see how scary he was for myself. Incredible as it may seem, you actually failed to convey just how scary he looks. I mean, he is REALLY, TRULY, HORRIFYINGLY NIGHTMARISHLY SCARY. That's a whole new, hitherto unsuspected dimension of scary, actually.

Thanks (I think) for the link.


What happened to them all is just so sad. He's not looking well, it is like a nightmare. I feel so bad for all of them, their father just drove them to be SO mentally disturbed, very unfortunate.




I watched the docu and i'm certain their mother had more than an equal hand in creating the family’s mental instability.

One Crumb son is a misogynistic (yet fetishistic) “creepo” illustrator (watching him “mount” women and cuddle with his daughter was nauseating), one's a repressed, depressed (suggested) gay man who, (after living with his mother his entire life) finally killed himself, and the other seems an ascetic, masochist painter bent on “punishing” himself (meditating on a board of nails for hours at a time and subjecting his body to severe dietary restrictions/regimens) for his sexual thoughts/compulsions (the story he told about the woman with the shorts was terrifying).

I'm happy the two daughters declined to take part. I don't think i could take another bite of this family smorgasbord of neurosis. But, I did find the docu fascinating.


If you took 3 random people and asked them to be openly honest about what really makes them come hard, you'd find they all are "sorta *beep* up". Unfortunately most lie to themselves or think there's something wrong with their sexual tendencies so they won't be honest.

Our society should be saturated with more sex. Not that it isn't, it just hasn't come to light yet. The anonymity of the internet creates a safe zone for all people to explore their fetishes(only excluding petiphilia, beastiality, or anything not between 2 consenting adults). Everyone just needs to be honest and "come out of the closet." Puritanism is the greatest cancer on American society. Its repression with a halo around it.

But there is more to these people than sex. Thats only one aspect Zwigoff really pressed.

And I agree, Maxon is looking very frightening these days

These are some movies of mine. Enjoy!


It was kind of funny to see him complaining about everybody wanting everything new and shiny, with a following shot of his daughter playing a (new at the time) videogame.

An interesting guy, but I don't think I'd have him over as a babysitter anytime soon.


watching him “mount” women and cuddle with his daughter was nauseating

If you mean the bit where Sophie is sitting on his lap while playing her Gameboy and he gives her a kiss, I didn't see anything abnormal about that, he was just being an affectionate parent.

However the bits with Maxon were quite unsettling, he sounded like a borderline sex offender. When he describes the time he saw this Jewish girl with a shapely ass and he couldn't resist the urge to pull her shorts down, he seems like he's about to start masturbating.


I'm just glad that wasn't a close-up.

