MovieChat Forums > Crumb (1995) Discussion > 'I Wanna Go Home' drawing

'I Wanna Go Home' drawing

Is anyone aware of where I could get a better look at the drawing? I believe it's about 48 minutes into the movie and it's where Crumb starts talking about how his drawings have begun taking on a balloony effect. He then displays a picture of a parade and tells a story about a woman who came up to him in a cafe as he was drawing it and thought it was 'adorable' to which he responded that it was 'everything wrong in America'.
Maybe it's printed in a book somewhere or there's a copy floating about? I'm very interested. Any help is appreciated.


I can't offer specifics, but I know Fantagraphics publishes his sketchbooks, or at least they used to. It wouldn't surprise me if it ended up in one of them. Might be decent research bait.

Get on up.


This is an older thread, but you can find "I Wanna Go Home" here:
