David Lynch

I see his name associated with this movie a lot but I really have no idea what his role in making this film was. Was he an executive producer or did he just fund it or what? If anyone wants to shed some light on this i would appreciate it.


David Lynch was a producer for the film.


That's funny, I've recently been to an interview with David Lynch at my university's campus. One guy in the audience asked about this movie and David denied working on it and denied knowledge of who Robert Crumb is. Weird.


It says "David Lynch presents..." It's the same thing Tarantino did with Hero and Hostel and many other movies. He had no creative input though.


According to the Terry Zwigoff's director's commentary he didn't have anything to do with it. He originally approached Lynch to see if he would be interested in lending completion funds, something to the tune of $50, 000, and gave him a tape of the film to check out and get back with him. Anyway, he ended up getting the money without out him. Lynch (who apparently liked the film a lot) asked him if there was anything else he could do. He said sure, let me use your name at the beginning (not unlike one of those Francis Ford Coppola presents...), figuring that Lynch was well respected and had a fan base and could ultimately help create some extra interest in seeing the movie.

