MovieChat Forums > Crumb (1995) Discussion > Just watched it, my opinions...

Just watched it, my opinions...

The movie itself is interesting in some parts but for the most part kind of lulls. I think with some good editing it could have been a one and a half hour movie with nothing taken away. The three brothers alone is what makes the movie. Robert seems to be filled with hate on almost everything, but that's what made him famous. Charles is a homosexual pedophile dopped up on meds. And Max is... well, words are hard to describe who he is except for even weirder than the rest. I think more time should have been spent on these three individuals than on outside opinions. But that's just me, I don't care about the opinion's of the normal. This movie is about the weird.


I agree with you, the scenes with Crumb and his brothers were definitely the most fascinating parts for me. But I can see value in the other interviews as well, as each sheds further light on some aspect of Crumb, his work, his personality. The film really works as a portrait of this bizarre artist, and it takes all sorts of viewpoints to complete this wacky picture.

My incredibly intuitive sense of the female creature informs me that you are troubled.


Seeing their mother was a little bit enlightening, too.
