MovieChat Forums > Crumb (1995) Discussion > his brothers were talented too

his brothers were talented too

especially the brother who didn't kill himself (sorry for the crude description, i can't remember their names and i'm too lazy to look before i write) i really liked his paintings and the comics r. crumb showed that the other other brother did years prior were interesting too. success is a funny thing.


Check out The Crumb's website, they're all there, Charles, Max, Jesse, his son, his daughter, Sophie
who speaks French now. Unfortunately his wife, Aline, doesn't have anything posted, she had
me in stitches when she was talking about her mother being the subject of her angst filled comics.





i hadn't thought of it that way. that's sad.


That is not why Robert did that. Robert mentions countless times in the film, Crumb, that it was Charles who got him into strating to draw, and that Robert still feels that his brother is much more wittier and clever than Robert. Robert mentioned in the documentary that, "Even now, when I draw, it is as if I am still looking for Charles' approval." So please do not judge badly on what Robert is doing it. Many people consider Robert's art to be signs of an insane man, yet I am sure that Robert and I do not think so. I bileve that Robert feels that his brother is very talented (as he mentions it and still has his brother's old drawings) and feels that Charles never got the claim he deserved, so as a testament to him, Robert puts up Charles' drawings for the whole world to finally see what a talent Charles was (if they did not already).


I'm sorry, but I responded to the post before I visited the website. Well, I just visited the Crumb website (which is in case you don't know it. And the website mentions that all the Crumb family drawings are posted by Jesse Crumb (Robert's son) so any pejorative comments about Charles' work is Jesse's opinion, not Robert. So that is proof (in case you don't take my word for it) that Robert does not consider Charles insane and wants to make other people feel that way about Charles. So please, next time you want to speak bad about someone and criticize, get your facts straight first.

