
I was watching a television channel last night that probably only comes on in Canada, and Crumb came on. The first half hour was about his family, his brothers and the like. Next it went to his work at an art gallery and it ended with him and his brother discussing at their house how his mother used to threaten them both with enemas. It was only an hour long, and I read on IMDB that the real film is 119 minutes long. I have never seen the actual film so can someone tell me if I saw an abridged version, or something else all together.




I found myself continuing to watch it -- like watching a train wreck, unable to pull my eyes away -- out of morbid curiousity.

"Crumb" is neither enlightening or moving. Just sad and bizarre. His propensity for arousing himself by taking rides on women's backs is simultaneously troubling and hilarious. This was barely "watchable" once. I was only moved by the plight of his pitiful brother, Charles, who committed suicide after the movie was made.
