Female Officer

I know with a movie like this there a lot of things someone can be irritated by.

My main gripe is with the female police officer who goes after Albert when he runs off after knowing they were on to him wearing a wire.

It's not exactly her but her running. Arms going everywhere, gun going in all directions with her movements, and all her puffing. It shouldn't be that exhausting for a trained officer, especially in her shape, to follow a middle aged man who's a bit.. hefty.

Every time I watch that scene it makes me cringe something awful. I'm not a trained runner or anything but it looks so sloppy for someone in her occupation.

Last movie I watched:Groundhog Day
"I don't question your existence."~God


Not to mention she stands in the middle of the road shooting and despite her first 3-4 rounds glancing off the roof of the car, she still decides to remain there...

When you talk to God its called prayer...when God talks to you it's called schizophrenia...


I just watched this movie and she fired her Walther PPK or PPK/S 12 times at the oncoming car and the rounds hit the passenger side headlights area of the car. Talk about poor marksmanship.

Furthermore, the Walther PPK only holds 6 rounds. The Walther PPK/S holds 7 round. Either way she fired 5-6 more rounds than she should had.

To the OP, Mutant_Enemy_Girl, YES! Her acting was awful. The way she ran and like you said, arms flailing, face all distorted, it was more scary to watch than all the violence in the entire film.
