The bald henchman = Dr. Claw?

What was the deal with that voice? Why did the director think the lines "Alright!" and "He's history!" would be better if they sounded like a Frank Welker voiceover? I was expecting his next line to be "I'll get you next time, Gadget!... Next time!" followed by MAD Cat's signature yowl and hiss.



Hahaha I'm glad I'm not alone in thinking this too. When I first heard this guy speak, I immediately thought of Dr. Claw.


He reminds me of Fender in Cyborg. He sounded like a monster too.

You were born a pig farmer.
You'll always BE a pig farmer.
And now, you will DIE a pig farmer.


I thought the same thing!!! When that big, bald guy said "Alright!" into the walkie talkie I died laughing!!


I wish that character had more lines. His voice is hilarious.
