Rate the Death Wish movies in order

I will say all the movies are worth watching, but number 5 is weaker than the rest.

Death Wish 3-(10/10)-The most exciting of them all. The last half hour is some of the greatest action you will see. Chuck blows away about a 100 people. The final kill is the best sequence ever in a Bronson Death Wish film.

Death Wish 4-(10/10)-This movie is really good because of the story. This time Chuck is tricked by another drug runnner, into killing the other side. Another great kill at the end where Chuck destroys a guy with a rocket launcher gun.

Death Wish-(9/10)-The one that started it all. Another good, believable story about a man's wife and daughter raped, wife dies and Chuck goes out for revenge. It really shows how he dealt with the violence and killing. He became sick a few times. Vincent Gardenia almost steals the film with his part as the cop after him. I just love him on the film.

Death Wish 2-(8/10)-Solid follow up to the first film. It's the only film where his wife or girlfriend does not die. His daughter does die here as does his housekeeper. Jill Ireland plays the girlfriend and I did not like her liberal attitude towards the criminals here. I guess it was the way to contrast Chuck's part. Vincent Gardenia is a welcome site halfway thru the movie. He even sticks out his neck for Chuck before he is shot. He is maybe even better in this film.

Death Wish 5-(5/10)-Only film of the five that I don't watch every time it airs. The story just feels different than the other Death Wish movies. Chuck doesn't kill anyone until the last 30 minutes of the film. Chuck looks great at 73 years old, but the action is few and far between. Michael Parks is great as the head bad guy. You really can hate his character.



Death Wish 2- Best one of the sequels IMO
Death Wish 3- People complained that Kersey transitioned into Rambo by this one, but I loved it. Series should've ended here.
Death Wish- The original and a classic. Can't wait for the bluray of this to get released.
Death Wish 4: The Crackdown- So-so, but better than 5.
Death Wish 5: The Face of Death- Carried on way too long. Bronson did what he could, but there was nothing left of this series after the second film wrapped up seeing as how Kersey's immediate family was killed off entirely by then.


I agree, Death Wish 3 is by far the best. I remember watching it all the time when I was a kid. Everytime it comes on tv I record it and watch all the best scenes.

Wildey Magnum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


#1 - The most serious of the bunch.
#4 - A guilty pleasure of mine. It's got so many hilarious bits and quotes.
#3 - The final shootout is great.
#5 - I liked the bit with the soccer ball, but overall blah.
#2 - Easily my least favorite. It's a lazy rehash of the first and lacks any sense of fun.
