Death Wish 6

The producers of this film planned to film a 6th entry into the series but for whatever reason decided against it.I think one of the reasons was that Bronson himself decided that enough was enough and wanted to leave the Paul Kersey character well enough alone.That is why the last line in DW5 was from Kersey along the lines of "if you need my help call me"
There were also plans to introduce a new character to continue the franchise in DW6 as Kerseys successor and thank God that never happened.
If a remake is ever planned i just hope that they include enough plot threads to continue the series better instead of retreading the same plot.


Physically, Bronson was no longer cut out for the role by '94 and he probably would have made less and less money with it had he continued. If I remember correctly, DW5 didn't even break $1 million at the box office.

People will disgree with me, but I think the series should have ended when Michael Winner dropped his involvement, in other words after DW3. The third installment is ridiculous, but it's mostly a laugh riot. It generated a cult following and DW should have been left alone after that.

DW1 is still the best IMO, followed by DW3. 2, 4, and 5 are all second-rate.


I agree 1 and 3 are the best,it should have ended there




The first 3 films are the best.My fave is prob the second.BUT for brainless action its the third...


Well I don't think he'd be able to act anymore at all since he had Alzheimer's Disease at the time of his death. If it hadn't been for that we would have been blessed with more work from him. He is surely missed.


I just can't consider a film with as graphic and humiliating a rape scene as DW3 has a "laugh riot," no matter how laughable the rest of the film is.

I can take the first DW's rape scene only because it is integral to the story, but I've always thought that even it could have been left out--showing us a gruesome aftermath would have been just as effective.

I like DW 4 and even 5, though. But I'm a sucker for the older Bronson. I even like Assasination!


It is dominating!


there was no rape scene in DW3. We hear of a rape happening but thankfully no scene of it. DW2 had the brutal rape scene and that was done as a serious film but DW3 was like a parody of the genre.


They did make a Death Wish 6. Death Sentence.

"You just got your *beep* ass kicked by the BLUE BEETLE!"--RIP, Ted


There was a rape scene in Death Wish 3
you probably saw it on tv

That's the problem with watching it the death wish movies on tv
they cut out all the good stuff



Reason 4 it not breaking one million at the box office is because it wasn't realesed in more in theatres.


To anybody else that the movie didn't break $1 million at the box office, go into the box office and business on IMDB and check it out


It probably would've been best overall for the character if Death Wish 2 and 3 had never been made. But those two (especially DW2) are excellent b-movies in their own right. But DW4 and DW5 should never have been made.


I just say that is impossible to do Death wish 6, because now that Charles Bronson is death nobody could take his place like Paul Kersey.
If Bronson were still alive and was born ten years late I think Death Wish 6 could be now in cinemas.


They could always bring back Mr. Rodriquz from Death Wish 3 and make it about a new character...


Well there could be a Death Wish 6 with 's son, well that's if all his ladies didn't keep on getting killed.

Because sponges never have bad days.



they should have never made this one it sucked and it was boring


It wouldn't really make any sense if Kersey had a son, since he had a daughter only. BuT then again in DW 5, Chelsea is the only step-daughter that can continue out her stepfather's work as the New Vigilante.




It wouldn't really make any sense if Kersey had a son, since he had a daughter only. BuT then again in DW 5, Chelsea is the only step-daughter that can continue out her stepfather's work as the New Vigilante.

It's not even possible for Kersey to breed anymore, because any time he gets close to a woman, she immediatly gets murdered.
I know what gold does to men's souls.


when the sheild was about to come out i thought it was gonna be a mix between this movie series and dirty harry when i saw the main guy attack the kidnapper to find the girl


i always used to hope for more movies, back when it was still possible, what if there had been three more "death wish" parts instead of the three tv-movies/mini-series that was the last thing in bronson's career.

you mow your lawn like a fotball field,
you clean your car like it was a plate where you eat,
polishing everything you get,
untill everything is - perfect,
if people don't play by your rules and your acts,
you're ready to go lose and let your mouth rap,
calm down, before we all wet,
not everybody can be like mr. perfect,
you lean and talk,
you intimidate some by how you are,
close the door right,
or mr. perfect may have a fit now,
maybe you haven't seen it yet,
you're so busy being perfect,
you seem as far from perfect, anyone can get,
do you see the irony in it, mr. perfect.


Well it is official they are remaking Deathwish with Stallone in the lead, as for the previous post the novel Death Sentence was a direct sequel tio the novel of Deathwish but the movie is unrelated in any way

"Don't dream and drive" Fred Krueger ANOES5



This WAS released in theaters. I saw it. And loved every minute of it.



"I'm a vehemently anti-nuclear, paranoid mess, harbouring a strange obsession with radioactive sheep."


The premise for that Jodi Foster flick The Brave One was practically the same thing. I think no one could do it justice if they tried to remake it. Sequel wouldn't be the same without Bronson but he's kinda (well not "kinda" lol) old now, although I would appreciate it more than a remake.

sleepy dinosaur


Death Wish VI: END GAME was not made due to the collapse of 21st Century Productions. The script was being written during the post-production of The Face of Death, work stopped on the movie after the collapse.

The release of The Face of Death was unfortunatly mishandled and in most territories it went striaght to video. Part VI: End Game was cancelled after the company folded, not due to lack of financing. Many people do not know that Mr Bronson's fee for The Face of Death was more than the budget for the movie and he was paid using two of the completion bonds for the film, the film then could not go over budget under any circumstances.

However, as the film was never made with Charles Bronson as Paul Kersey, the script was re-written by Mr Golan and Timothy W. White at some time after 21st Century folded and the re-worked script was filmed as the low-budget movie DEATH GAME in 2001 under the banner of New Cannon Inc. (which is now New Generation Films).

Welcome To Prime Time B***H! - Freddy Krueger
