

If I was Harold i would have stayed strong just to punch Fran in the face and shoot Rudy with his gun. Rudy was already injured and was depending on Harold to give him medication, for christ sakes slip the guy a horse tranc., punch Fran in the face, grab the keys to the Suburban and head beack home. Why hang yourself.


I thought he hung himself because he had to pee so bad and didn't wanna go in his pants. He just couldn't take it any more.

oh and his wife was in love with the outlaw.

"YOU PUT THEM BACK" - Shield24


I find the scene where Harold sees his wife having sex with the outlaw, and then he hangs himself to be one of the most distressing and uncomfortable scenes I have ever seen in a movie. That would REALLY suck to be in his situation and I really felt bad for his character.



I agree with SexyActorsJunkie. It's a very disturbing scene, but also one of the most underrated movie scenes of all-time. It reveals how love, something we like to think lasts forever, can be extremely frail. I'm sure Fran onced loved Harold, but faced with a life-threatening situation, she chose survival. I don't believe she was "in love" with Rudy. She certainly fell for him, but her lust towards Rudy was probably a psychologically-defensive response to an exteme situation (as we see, she also goes crazy later in the film). Survival won over any lingering feelings she had for Harold.

So why did Harold kill himself? He realized his marriage was a total failure, that he was never truly in love, his ego was shattered by having a man tie and gag him to a chair and then make violent love to his willing wife in the next room, and the basic fear of the situation (Rudy probably would have killed them both eventually, and Harold probably suspected this). The psychological effects had to be devestating. Above all, he was simply a weak individual, and his character was cast accordingly. White, balding, skinny, domesticated husband against a rugged, muscular, cold-blooded outlaw. He never had a chance.

Actually, I think Fran should have been played by an older, less-sexual actress than Jennifer Tilly. It's not a stretch to imagine Tilly cheating on her husband, so I think it would have been even more profound to have more of a sweet, soccer mom-ish woman in this role.


I want to know HOW he was able to kill himself when he was tied to that chair. Impressive...


Wait a minute... who am I here?


It's not impossible you know...

But why kill yourself because your wife is a slut? I would shoot them both. So he was simply a big loser.


Rudy must have untied him. Before he goes out to the bathroom, he shouts to Harold to come out, because his shoulder hurts. He wouldn't have done that if he knew that Harold was tied up and couldn't walk.


The scene where Harold is stuck in the toilet while his wife is having sex is absolutely hilarious.

especially the, "get back in there you pervert" line.

No, I don't like watching torture scenes or kill animals.

Some of you lot are so PC it sickens me. Get a damn sense of humour it's a film for Christ sake.


Eh, was that really intended as a reply to my post?

If so, I think you are reading way too much into it that isn't there. I don't get where you get that from that I am advocating political correctness. I most certainly am not :)


I replied to the thread in general, forgive me if I didn't play by the damn IMDB etiquette rules.

Some people can't appreciate the damn humour in certain situations. That is what I was talking about.


The hilarious part is she covers her naked self up from her own husband.

George Orwell was an optimist.


The hilarious part is she covers her naked self up from her own husband.

haha yup, she's like "you don't even get to see me naked!"


"Above all, he was simply a weak individual, and his character was cast accordingly. White, balding, skinny, domesticated husband against a rugged, muscular, cold-blooded outlaw. He never had a chance."

He could've shot the scumbag, couldn't he?

I'm happiest...in the saddle.


Yes, he could've. But when you're depressed and suicidal, you're not in your right mind.




If you remember it's not like Fran really had a choice. Plus it was more then clear to most viewers that Fran was in a boring marriage to an older man and Rudyshowing up was the most fun she saw in years. It was dick the way she enjoyed it so much in front of Harold, but when you are held hostage life tends to suck. It pissed me off how Harold was such a pussy and commit suicide.



I agree 100% in that this was one of the most intense and disturbing scenes I have ever watched in a movie. It's weird how many emotions it can evoke. It certainly makes you feel sooo bad for Harold's character.

Rudy abducts him and his wife, treats them so cruelly, forces Harold to keep driving and soil himself. His wife then willingly bangs Rudy's brains out right in front of him. How badly I cringed when you heard him yell 'HEYYYY' You feel so angry at his wife (Tilly) and Rudy. Then how casual Rudy is while he takes a piss with Harold's body hanging next to him.

Guilty pleasure wise, the way Tilly's character is innocent at first, how she interacts with Rudy all along then. Then how graphically she goes off on him sexually, is very erotic in a physical way.

That's how you know it is a great scene when it can evoke so many intense emotions. Makes me wonder if this was intentional and director was going for this type of disturbing scene. Or was it just kind of an accident. Things just fell into place as they filmed it, realizing what they had after it was all over and playing it back in the edit room.


I read the book and from what I gathered, Rudy's character had a "Napoleanic, self centered" way about him that basically contributed to ruining that whole robbery scene and contributed to his own death in the end. If Rudy didn't try to kill Doc and kill that other guy everyone would have walked away richer and happy. When Doc get the better of him, his character basically felt the need to dominate Fran and humiliate Harold in order to feel big again. Basically once Harold was dead, he had no use for Fran because he used her to personally humiliate Harold to feel "big and strong." That was how is was laid out in the book, the script, the original 1972 version and ultimately this movie as well. Jennifer Tilly did a great job playing the stupid, clueless, bored housewife.



"I wouldve conned the director into shooting an alternate deleted scene where Harold has his sick twisted demented depraved revenge.... "

- Sort of like the movie "Taken", you could have Harold saying Liam Neilson's lines...."I have a set of skills...." or;

Harold could do the seen in Rambo FB PT2 where you see Harold from the back tying the red bandana over his forehead......


I'm not sure he broke his bonds.. Madsen probably untied him because he wanted to use the toilet and he just hung himself... But it really is a messed up scene..

"What's the name of the farm next to the Hill house?"



It's not like the doctors wife had a choice in that situation. Rudy was going to have his way with Fran wheather she wanted to or not. He had a gun and was prepared to use it to get what he wanted. Plus it was obvious that Fran was stuck in a boring marriage and Rudy was the most excitement she had seen in years. That fact that her husband Harold just did what ever Rudy said even as Rudy humiliated him just shows how weak he was and how turned off Fran must have really been by him, in normal boring times Harold was a meal ticket for her. Most men with an ounce of courage would have punch Fran in the face and left...or better, give Rudy a horse tranquiler and tell him it was a pain killer for his shoulder rendering him unconscious and getting away.

Let's say that Fran made Rudy aware that she would not give it up willingly, do you think Rudy would say thank you for the meds and leave on his own? Of course not. Plus Why didn't Harold go to the police when he was told to gas up the truck, I know Rudy said he better not come back with anyone, but why not, he was holding his wife hostage. Harold missed many oportunities to put Rudy away and because of that he suffered. Rudy probably would not have taken that many liberties during that road trip if Harold was more of a man and posed a threat.

That is just my take.



Mach 10....it was a movie.....that's all. I am sure Jennifer Tilly is a nice women in real life and from what I read Michael Madsen is the ultimate family man. Relax, like they say, it only happens in the movies.



Mach 10 I want to meet the woman that messed you up. Seriously lighten up, this probably never happens. Infidelity does but I doubt in this fashion......



The 1972 version was actually worse. In that he was in the same room and the chair he was tied to was facing the bed. He also had to watch them have sex more than once.



lol you guys are a bunch of sissies that crap was HILARIOUS


Harolds such a little perve lol






Interesting that everyone is seeing this from the Vet's perspective and finding the humiliation of watching his "much younger and very attractive wife, whom he dotes on and lives for" (no real evidence for that, btw) commit eager adultery with the kidnapper so disturbing. Personally I think there is something else going on. There is clearly a mismatch in the marriage - she's way too hot and young for the vet. This was never a love match - she's settled for him for reasons of financial security or whatever, but he's allowed her to do that and was happy to take advantage of her youth and insecurity. And has been prepared to let her live bored out of her wits and sexually dissatisfied. Her romping with Rudi is not only about her desperation for a bit of living dangerously and excitement, she's getting some payback on a man she despises.

Essentially it's the mirror image of Carol's adultery; Carol genuinely loves her husband and humiliates herself to save him, and tries to hide it from him because she knows he won't find it easy to live with the knowledge. Fran deep down has nothing but contempt for Harold and flaunts her adultery in front of him to hurt him. And unlike Doc, who manages to forgive his wife's adultery because however 'bad' they are, they genuinely have love at the core of their relationship, Harold really can't live with the humiliation and knowledge of what an empty sham his marriage was.


Weird how that small scene can bring out so many emotions...TOugh scene, great acting, great movie, and what a special time if u caught this in the 90's when if first aired on HBO.

The 90's baby!!!!


I know that it was a pitiful scene, but I laughed anyway.

Boycott movies that involve real animal violence! (and their directors too)


It's interesting to read about the people that "laughed" at Harold's "bathroom predicament" -- maybe the people that found that amusing were identifying with brutal Rudy and/or Tilly's goofy/disloyal wife, much the way sadists enjoy the torture scenes in the "Saw" movies but don't have the guts to go and perform that meanness themselves.

Some people here call Harold "weak" -- maybe he was, but how many people commenting on this thread have ever had a REAL GUN pointed at them? I've known people that say if they were in such-and-such a situation: "OH, IF THAT WAS ME, I'D HAVE..." but it's so easy to SAY when a gun isn't pointed at you. I was mugged once -- I gave the mugger my last $18 because he had some brass knuckles the size of Cleveland and I didn't think I wanted to risk going to the dentist (or the hospital) over $18. People told me, "You should've done this" & "I would've done that," BUT YOU DON"T KNOW what you'll do if you're in a situation where real danger is imminent.

Aside from that, what about the ANIMALS that were left to die in Harold the vet's office?

YES, it's "only a movie," but cripes, if you read the news on the internet, people DO commit such acts of meanness and WORSE. In 2010 some thugs in Pennsylvania tortured to death a young, mentally-challenged girl:

Have a "laugh" over THAT story, tough-guys and -gals.


Have to admit its my favourite masturbation scene in cinema history, Jennifer Tilly cruel yes but who wasnt turned on?


Tilly was so hot in this movie, before her boob job and all...I loved the costumes she wore, nip slips, wow..


If you're someone who tends to act before thinking then yes it's easy to do what you say you'd do.

You want to play the game, you'd better know the rules, love.
-Harry Callahan


i felt extremely sorry for harold to be honest.....and was somehow turne don b ytilly being such a slut.....if i was harold i would have gone medievil on both of them

Trolls dont have an opinion....just an urge to compensate their frustration about themselves!!!


I thought it was just me. I saw this scene 20 years ago and it still disturbs me..

I'm whizzin with the door open....and I love it!!
