MovieChat Forums > The Getaway (1994) Discussion > ridiculous remake, everyone should be em...

ridiculous remake, everyone should be embarrassed

OMG. i have never seen something so embarrassing. everyone form baldwin to basinger to donaldson to walter hill to madsen. its like a bunch of kids who want to be actors are doing lines form a movie that was flawless. the dialog is ridiculous. baldwin's and madsen's hair look stupid. the lines they use from the original are stunted and embarrassing. baldwin isnt sure whether he is being tapped ot be a he-man or a pretty boy. madsen cant figure out if he is madsen or mickey roarke. basinger is just stupid. when they say lines form the original its not believable. it sounds like they are play-acting, trying to be cool. its like they decided to do a backyard recreation and they are all embarrassed about it. james woods want on screen enough to embarrass himself too much. david morse , who always thinks he's such the actor, is ridiculous with his pigtail and pretend tough guy attitude. what a waste.


Nah, this is way too much fun to be dismissed, especially with the vitriol you seem to have for it. Slick, unpretentious direction by Kiwi Roger Donaldson (probably his best film since No Way Out, and certainly much better than, um, Cocktail), some gorgeous photography, and well-choreographed action scenes make this one an underdog winner.
I do have some wee complaints, though; as you said, Madsen indeed acts like the poor man's Mickey Rourke (Rourke himself would have been great!), and Baldwin is perhaps a little too urbane a figure for the character of Doc McCoy - let's face it, he's not Steve McQueen.
But as I said, it works well, and is an enjoyably nasty crime flick. It's not Shakespeare, nor was it ever intended to be.
By the way, cs2hotspur, do you have something against capitol letters?!? ;)


I agree with you 100%. The action scenes are so well shot that it is probably a more entertaining movie than the original, even if it is sillier. And if nothing else Basinger is a much better actress than Ali McGraw. No one can be as cool and tough at the same time as McQueen except for Eastwood probably.


I agree. I thought this was a great film.

And, to the OP: try a paragraph break every once in a while...


Wait a minute... who am I here?


Uppercase letters are 'capital', "capitol/Capitol" is a hang-out for half-witted oxygen-wasters.


You can't say the action scenes are sillier in this one. In the original when McQueen first fires the shotgun he nearly drops it. Then when he gets into the car he falls over. That looks very slapstick now.

I think the original and the remake are pretty much on par with each other. The remake has got the better action sequences and that sex scene, the original has McQueen.


I happened to see the remake before I saw the original. I thought the remake was very entertaining. In fact, it's one of those movies that I'll watch again whenever it's on TV, even if I have to start in the middle. It's just a really good action movie. Who can forget Jennifer Tilly screaming "Rudy, Rudy," when the elevator doors open. Richard Farnsworth was one of those actors who always brought quality to any part, large or small. All the other actors gave very good performances. All in all, one of my favorite movies. As for the original, if it weren't for Steve McQueen, I would have to say the remake is the better of the two. Although, I'll always watch the original whenever I can. Both movies are among my favorites.


It's alec baldwin the guys bad luck he's never done a good movie and he's not a good actor either .

Only when society changes will the culture change "


Huge toys-out-of-the-cot over-reaction.

It's actually quite watchable/rewatchable. Great action set-pieces, tons of violence - what's not to love?

A bit hokey? No doubt. But I've seen plenty more unwatchable stuff, even some award-winning stuff, that I didn't enjoy as much as this and wouldn't be able to watch again.

'Then' and 'than' are completely different words and have completely different meanings.

