MovieChat Forums > The Lion King (1994) Discussion > Where are all the other male lions ?

Where are all the other male lions ?

Apart from Simba and Mufasa i can't remember seeing any other male lions, yet there must be at least one other, seeing as Simba's best friend Nala was born, and i doubt she was Mufasa's cub as she hooked up with Simba at the end


What species do you think Scar was?


Well i'm pretty sure Scar wasn't the father of Nala either, so if it wasn't him or the King, who got her mum pregnant, and why is it just Scar and the King, where are all the others


Why couldn't Scar be her father?

And, as A-zone says below, there are only a couple of males in a pride, the other male lions are rogues living alone or looking for a pride to take over.


I don't know how you forgot about Scar but other then Scar, Simba and Mufasa there really wasn't any other male lions


In the real world, a pride of lions is usually headed by 1 or 2 male lions. And these 2 are either brothers or very close friends. The male lion(s) fathers all the cubs in the pride.

So technically, Nala is either Mufasa's or Scar's daughter.

"I'm the dude, playing a dude that's disguised as another dude".


^ This ^


Nala's parents, and I imagine other lions, are probably either killed in the stampede or intimidated in to moving by Scar who would feel threatened by another man of his kind. The lack of male lions is one of the main reasons why Scar is able to keep such tight control over the rock, and the insecurity is demonstrated when Simba approaches Scar with murder in his eyes. Nala's mother and father would not voluntarily leave without her, and must be part of the original group of residents since their daughter is betrothed to Simba as soon as she is born. We know that Nala's father is married to Sarafina, who is friends with Sarabi, and can obviously not be related to Simba anyway given the arranged marital plans. He exists but is not shown.


Im pretty sure they were alive, just didn't had a part in this movie.

- Similar to how Kovo and his siblings was born but never made an appearance until the sequel.

- or that Sarabi or the hyenas never appeared in the sequel.
