The Lion King SNES game

Who remembers The Lion King Super Nintendo game? I still have it I also have the Gameboy version.


I never had an actual SuperNinentdo as a kid, so I had the computer version. But I have a SuperNintendo emulator, so I can claim my ownership for it, haha.


I remember that game. LOL like all SNES games, it was hard.

"Just between the two of us, it's mostly for Fluttershy."-Discord


I have the game.

My question is - how do you beat Scar in the last level? At the start of the level where you face him, I can't get him to go away.


I only got to the second level.


Yeah, but I have it on the sega genesis/megadrive. I'm certain the music and sound is better on the snes version, though. Great game, still own it to this day.


I liked the first level and Simba's destiny the hardest levels were the second one and the stampede level.



I still have it.

The game didn't have much replay value, but it had nice graphics and soundclips from the film. I liked that the levels had a nice balance of being easy and difficult.
