MovieChat Forums > Little Giants (1994) Discussion > A scene with Kevin I liked

A scene with Kevin I liked

I liked the scene when Kevin tells off Spike's dad for sending his son out there to hurt Junior. Kevin says, "If that kid of yours pulls another stunt like that, both of you are out of here." Then Spike's dad says, "Come on, I thought you wanted to win." Kevin replies, "Not like that." It showed that Kevin wasn't really a bad guy. Then in the end I even liked how Kevin tells Danny, "If I wasn't that hard on you as kids, you never would've been able to beat me here today." He's probably right. I think Danny saw himself in those kids.


The Kevin character has quite a few scenes that dispel the myth that he is a villain. In the coffee shop, he tells Icebox that she is beautiful; and even before that comment, it was quite apparent that he had a very strong relationship with his niece.

Another one in the flashbacks that is quite telling was that as children, he told an obviously sad Danny that one day "they would own this town; you and me buddy" a an attempt to cheer him up.

I never considered the character to be bad, just a little overly competitive.


I agree. I think that scene defined him pretty well in the diner with his niece. She asked him "Uncle you think I'm pretty?"

"No, I dont think you're pretty.....I think you're beautiful." She totally beemed at his words. No way is that a bad guy :)

"Stop a horrible American tragedy. End Women's suffrage now!"


But he was only telling her that to manipulate her into leaving the team because he knew she was the only threat. It was actually pretty devious, really.

It's not the years, honey; it's the mileage.


Very true!! But I think he also believed it and wanted her to believe it, too; other than wanting to win the game. Because he could have just said, "yeah, you're very pretty"



I think both of Kevin's motives were true: one he was trying to make his niece feel better while also manipulating her to get off the team.


Have to be honest, I never detected his desire to talk her into quitting the team. He had suck a stacked roster that he knew that even with icebox playing for the other team, he would be a heavy favorite to win the game.

Not to mention, if he saw her as that dominant a player, he would not have cut her in the first place. Even though the character is depicted as a bit of an arrogant chauvinist, he is also extremely competitive and would not have jeopardized winning if he thought he needed her.


I think he started out very flawed, because he let the idea and image of fame and competition go to his head too much, but deep down inside, he was never a villain, at least not an evil one like Spike or Butts, and towards they end he started seeing the error of his ways and realized that he let his ego get in the way too much, and realized that the competition wasn't worth the blood-sport that it was turning into.


I disagree with the last part of your statement. He knew she was the best because he admitted it later. The only reason why he didn't put her on the team in the first place is because she's a girl.

