MovieChat Forums > Little Giants (1994) Discussion > Should defiantly be remade

Should defiantly be remade

into a movie more like Friday Night Lights. A realistic movie about kids who play grammar school would be awesome. This is just awful. Whoever made this movie missed a big chance


No. This movie is a classic. Remakes suck. There's a few remakes that are good, but only a few.

Remaking movies ruins the original and it's usually not very good anyways.

Rick and Ed did excellent performances along with the rest of the cast. The music was greatly crafted and the football and story is great to watch.

Not every football movie has to be like The Waterboy, Friday Night Lights or The Longest Yard.

"You think it is over, but the games have just begun."


The football is not even football. The movie follows none of the rules and the final game is illogical. The amount of people on the field constantly changes and never reaches 11, and why was the score only 21-0 at the end of the half? The Cowboys are shown to score every time they have the ball, so what happens during the the first half that we don't see? Do the Giants make defensive stops somehow? And why do the Giants get the ball back at the end of the game? The Cowboys are at first and goal and the Giants stop them once and all of a sudden its a turnover.

The story is also terrible. It uses the same cliche that so many other movies used by having the stereotypical girl character who is just as good as the boys. Also the girl Icebox leaves her team when they most needed her and then they completely forgive her once she comes in at halftime. She doesn't even apologize for quitting the team. This movie does not have one realistic portrayal of how kids act in grammar school And why were the Cowboys demonized for playing the best players?


It's a fun movie. Stop over analyzing.


its a 90 minute movie that's supposed to keep the attention of kids. you put a bunch of un important side plots and storylines and they'll be asleep!
its supposed to be just a fun feel good movie families and kid's can watch.
i actually think we need more of these!

"I'm the distraction that's going with her to England, sir."
-Say Anything


A remake would suck. This movie isn't even that old.



and its awful


a remake would suck. nothing can beat the original.
the movie was made for kids.. i doubt they really care about the actual rules of football. i didn't care when i was 8, i don't really give a *beep* now, to be honest. all i know is that this was an awesome movie and it shouldn't be touched or glammed up.

++ S.I.R. / R&R / T~O [#71] / KPWCAACTLITT / P.E.A.C.E / Team Edward, baby.


This movie is still relevant. Though the people in the movie don't all have cellphones in their hands, it still looks like today's world.


No remakes. They did two sequels for The Sandlot and they were horrible. It goes to show you the lack of creativity with movies today.

Surfing imdb since 2002


Definitely not. This movie's a classic. And Becky and Junior's "romance" would totally be overblown and take away the title of it being a "family" movie.

Let's just rewatch these 90's classics without thinking of the horrible sequels that followed 10 years later.


I don't think all remakes suck but the whole idea of this one need remade because it didn't follow football rules is just out there. The movie wasn't supposed to be about football rules. It wasn't supposed to be "little kids do friday night lights". I wouldn't even WANT to see a "realistic" movie about little gridder football.

My Sig: Nothing here.


I don't think Little Giants should ever be remade or ever made into Little Giants meets Friday Night Lights. Friday Night Lights was based on the non-fiction book which actually focused on a lot heavy social issues that were going on the in 80's in West Texas. There were goofs in Little Giants especially in the game part of the movie but they are easy to ignore since it's a kids movie. I'm also glad that weren't any sequels to LG. One of the sequels for The Sandlot was ok while the other one was awful.




Definitely NOT
Its a classic and should be left alone

