MovieChat Forums > Little Giants (1994) Discussion > I'm a girl and I want to play football

I'm a girl and I want to play football

I'm 15 years old and in 10th grade. I don't like football but go to the games and cheer. Our school team sucks and I just want to get out there and play. Can they not let me play because of being a girl?


It depends on if you have a sexist coach.


in the movies,the small kid who wears glasses winds up outplaying the 200 pound world-class athlete..there's never any movies about the muscular athlete outscoring the arrogant bookworm on the SAT exam..oh law,you are allowed to get your brains beat out and your ovaries bruised playing football..knock yourself out



Actually, no, the law does not require that girls be allowed to play football, if there are alternate sports available to females at the school. Check out some of the cases challenging schools. Believe me, I tried when I was in high school, cause I am a football nut, but because cheerleading, cross-country, soccer and vollyball were available aternatives, I was not allowed to play football, so I was a cheerleader and played soccer instead. Hoever, if your school does not have any sports available for females, you may be able to play. There have even been some female players (kickers) on college teams (not because the law forced the schools to allow them to play, but because they were actually really good). If you can't play football, play soccer, earn a spot on a football team as a kicker and go from there. Good luck!


wrong..the alternative sports applies specifically to the sports(girls football,girls wrestling,etc)you cant substitute softball for baseball,field hockey for lacrosse etc..however,hypocritically,the reverse is true..girls are allowed to play little league baseball but boys CANT play little league fact they actually call it little league GIRLS both oregon and new jersey there were test cases where the schools tried to stop girls from playing football,stating the obvious, that a 250 pound lineman hitting a 125 pound girl could cause serious both states,the girl won the right to play,although in the jersey case,she dropped off the team..
in the oregon case,the girl,who was a very talented athlete,played a couple of years and got in for a few plays as QB and placeholder


Depends, my firend is a girl and she plays football with a team of boys. She is in the 9th grade.


It does depend really.
I know a girl once at school and she was allowed in all the boys teams.
It depends though the coaches can be sexist sometimes.
I wanted to play, but they didn't let me because i wasn't English they started to say mean things about how certain cultures can't mix this and that.
I told the coach i could i was just a kid and anyway it depends about people's intentions i just wanted to play football, but he didn't.
He let only one girl on the team Called Natellie she was very athletic and the guys LOVED HER.
she was a blonde ICEBOX.
She was a killer.
~SHe was deadly---
Yet i just hated her arrogance just because she was allowed she kept going allover the place shouting i am the best girl at sports i am the best girl at this at that.

Although some schools do have some teams for girls.

At my old secondary school they had flag football, Rugby, vollyball, netball, basketball, gymnastics, track teams and also ice hockey on weekends and hockey and normal football and even wrestling.
i just didn't like the fact the teachers thought we were not strong ewnough to wrestle Guys, until one day i wrestled a guy who hit me and showed me up and i was forced to join the guys wrestling team instead of the female one, but it depends what kind of Coach you speak to because some will say YES some will say NO.


If he's not a douche he should let you. Most coaches seem like douches to me though. If he says no make him watch this movie.


Good one_____________________

that'll show him ha ha


That's kinda cool.

If you have a smaller build (aka not-lineman) I would go for receiver or something like that.

Good luck.


There was a girl on my team for two years. Actually, she made all-state my seniorn year. She was a kicker.


That's about all girls can do.


I live in upstate NY and where I live the highschool had a female quarterback for a season. She was really good to


Most schools have to let girls at least try out because they'll get slapped with a discrimination suit otherwise. I never knew girls playing on my high school's football team but some did play on the hockey team. And...if you don't like football why is it you want to play?


If your school doesn't offer football for females then you have to be allowed to try out for the male team. Likewise, if your a boy and love field hockey but no male field hockey team exists at your school, you are allowed by law to play for the girls field hockey team.

Most girls I know of who played football in high school were kickers. Most complained later on about the experience due things like sexual harassment.


sorry,thats just not true..time and time again,boys have been prevented,by the COURTS ,from playing in girls sports,..there is the occassional volleyball or field hockey team that allows it,but not many..and look at pro sports..lady golfers,tennis players,basketball and hockey players have been allowed to at least try ot for pro teams..but female leagues make a point of putting the female in the TITLE,the wnba ,the lpga,etc to prevent the reverse..there is NO precedent for men playing against women..even is sports like marathon running,where muscle mass is not an issue for success,women are given their own trophies and prize money,frequently finishing 2 MILES behind the male a world whre women have successfully,and rightfully,sued to be in the army,fire department and police force on the grounds that they are physically competant to do males work,it is unnecessary,even unfair to segregate sports by age or weight,maybe,by gender,no..


Sure the coach would let you play if you were REALLY that good.

I know of some girls that have played high school ball and even a HOT girl (jesus hot) kicker on a division 1 college team.


Yeah and you can take a shower with all the guys. I'd like to tackle you.
