What I dont get...

Ok this movie is supposed to be about being the underdog and overcoming all sorts of odds. The little guy beating the top dog. Well then why did they put a superstar athlete like Junior Floydd on the team? Hes probably the best athlete from both teams. Basically is says we still need the typical prototypical athlete to win and cant do it without one....



Spike is by far the best athlete on either team.
Becky is up there too.


the little giants weren't just underdogs, they were completely unskilled and didn't even try half the time. the cowboys worked harder and were more talented, if this movie made any sense they would have won. the only thing this movie says is that the little guy will always beat the top dog regardless of skill or effort, which is a horrible message.


no actually the message of the movie is you shouldnt exclude and anyone or judge them immediately and count them out because of being a girl or too short or too fat or w.e and that everyone has skills and talnens and you can never really know what someone is capable of until you give them a chance...and sometimes they can surprise you and everyone has a shot at winning!


no actually the message of the movie is you shouldnt exclude and anyone or judge them immediately and count them out because of being a girl or too short or too fat or w.e and that everyone has skills and talnens and you can never really know what someone is capable of until you give them a chance...and sometimes they can surprise you and everyone has a shot at winning!



Why do you think the term 'Any Given Sunday' was invented?

In the NFL Week 13 ALONE:
How do you explain the Raiders beating the Steelers at home?
Seattle beating San Fran?
New Orleans basically losing to Washington if not for a 23 yard (ugh) missed kick?
Arizona DESTROYING Minnesota?

I thought the movie made a great point saying, "Even if we lose 99 out of a 100 times... there's still that ONE time."

If the Giants played the Boys 100 times, they'd probably lose 95% of the games, but they won on ANY GIVEN SUNDAY. Mind you this was Kevin's first peewee team... not like he was a PRO coach for kids at that point.

The movie made perfect sense to me. Even the b team can win once in a while. Too bad Kevin was a douche about it and bet the house that he'd beat his bro.


why does there always have to be a message or moral? i hated how every time i wanted to watch something on tv, grown ups always tried to jam down your throat what the "message" was. the life lessons i've learned i was shown by my parents and other people who inspired me. i didn't learn it from the little giants or any other mindless flick i watched when i was a kid; it was just that - mindless entertainment.


