MovieChat Forums > Little Giants (1994) Discussion > 'You don't have to kiss to have kids!'

'You don't have to kiss to have kids!'

i love this movie its the best and devon looks so cute in it :)


OMG! Devon is soooo cute! He is in a lot of my favorite movies. I love that line too!


how cute devon was in those days...............

then he ot older and swelled up


he was so0o0o0o CUTE in this movie! I love that whole scene when they're talking about kissing I also like the scene when Junior slaps Icebox on the butt and says Nice job Icebox! then she smiles and says anytime it's so cute!

*there are no perfect families it's normal for things to be sh!tty*


Devon Sawa was such a cute kid back in the day and then his looks went...It's too bad.

He was so cute in Little Giants, Casper and Now & Then


I never understood that part of where you can't get a job unless you kiss.. ohhh.. nm


I loved this movie because of that line, it was soo innocent, and I just loved their relationship

"Its hard being called deepthroat during football practice."
