
this movie is terrible. was i the only one who wanted the cowboys to win? they were the better team and they trained harder. All the little giants did was complain the entire time and repeatedly threaten to quit every time something bad happens yet somehow they manage to win. If they really wanted to make a good movie they should have shown the little giants team actually practice hard and become a good football team and pull off on upset. instead they show a final game that doesn't even make sense. How does a team so fundamentally unsound stay in a game against a supposedly elite team? The little giants show no skill what so ever but somehow the cowboys don't just run straight through them on offense or blow right through their o-line on defense. Apparently this films message is that a team of misfits can win based on the mere fact their misfits and a team full of talented players will be punished because they decided to play the best people. anyone who has ever play youth football should avoid this movie at all costs


I really ave to agree. This film is very insulting to all the children and adults involved with youth football. Tricks do not work, practice and understanding do. And the disregard for equipment safety makes the preparations for safety that every parent ensures are a joke, a roll of foam! Watch the original bad news bears if you want misfits earning a slot in history! No more encouraging kids to look for the easy way through or hope for the best and plan to win on luck. Plan for the worst, and hope for the worst theme with this film.

Ease up toots.


I'll say that the moral of the story was that they didn't give up. Rick Moranis gives them that speech about "just one time". Anyway, most sports movies revolve around a scrappy team that is lazy/bad at first then they train and go on to beat whoever their rival is, so at least this one broke that mold.


they repeated tried to give up especially when the girl quit the team. and no self respect middle school football player would want to play let alone depend on a girl on a football team.


This film is very insulting to all the children and adults involved with youth football.
Glad I'm not involved with youth football, I liked the movie.

"If I've never seen it before, it's a new release to me."


I thought the plot was stupid as well. Football is supposed to be about skill, the only worse football movie is "Facing the Giants"

I did like the interaction between the brothers though that's what kept me interested.

Alex: Because I love you, you idiot! So much it scares the crap out of me!


all of you are idiots who think too much about kid movies.


Oh yeah kids movies shouldn't have any effort put into them. They shouldn't have made the Lion King and Toy Story so well, kids don't have standards.

Alex: Because I love you, you idiot! So much it scares the crap out of me!


movie is legit

*beep* you, pay me


the movie is absolutely unlegit, put some thought into this


You're really taking this movie way too serious,I grew up with this movie and I'm not saying it's a groundbreaking masterpiece but still a light funny film.


there is nothing light about youth football. the movie is just not accurate


i agree with sawyer

and since when does the movie have to give a positive work hard win hard attitude? this makes no sense, the film was made for entertainment not for encouraging kids to try harder in extracurricular activities

and besides, its a kids movie...they are all kinda stupid, but this one is a classic to me :D
^Sylvia Likens house


Some people don't understand that when something is a comedy everything about it isn't going to be accurate or taken seriously because its suppose to make people laugh. You want a serious football movie? there are plenty of them out there such as Friday Night lights.


chill, it's a kid's movie.

anyone who has ever played youth football should avoid this movie at all costs?
my ex boyfriend and his brother have played football since they were 10, and they lovvve this movie. they love it now just as much as they did when they were kids. it's for entertainment, it's not a freakin' documentary.

++ S.I.R. / R&R / T~O [#71] / KPWCAACTLITT / P.E.A.C.E / Team Edward, baby.


This might be the funniest post on IMDB, courtesy of chromesteel:

"there is nothing light about youth football."

Are you serious man? You're EXACTLY the kind of person the Ed O'Neill character was ripping on...maybe that's why you didn't like it? And did the OP not catch the entire second act, where they practice and practice until they get better? It was a good 20-30 mins of the movie...

"Look, it's not that i'm lazy, it's that I just don't care..." - Peter Gibbons


did you not catch the third act when the whole team decides to quit before the start of the final game and at halftime. plus they never get better, play horribly and the movie doesnt even rationally explain how they win


I hope the irony that the character of Kevin O'Shea was based on people like you is not lost on you.

To quote the film "It's peewee football man".

Lighten up.

Do not pity the warrior, pity instead those who believe nothing is worth fighting for.
