Ice Box/ Spike

Am I the only one who noticed some underlying sexual tension here?

I fully believe that they would have made a better couple than her and Junior. I'm sorry, but the Ice Box was fierce, there is just no way in hell that a fragile little kid like Junior was going to be any kind of boyfriend to her.

In fact, I think he was a closet case.


No you're not the only one.

When they're in each other's faces I was like, "Whoa" it was great chemistry. I cannt see Junior and Icebox together but I can see her with Spike. Junior might become her stepbrother.


You know, out of all the millions of sequals made, why didn't they ever make a sequal to this?

I'm sure, if they did, it would have been crappy. But, I just REALLY wanted to know what ended up happening.

Did Patty and Danny get married?

Did Becky become a raging bull-dyke? Did Spike finally learn to quit talking in the third person? Did Junior finally admit that he only plays football to grope other boys in tight pants?

WHAT HAPPENS!?!?! Or even if they didn't make a sequal, just maybe like... an epilogue, or something. That would have been nice.


That would have been great if they made a sequel. They could make one now with the original actors all grown up and in college. And the college won't let Becky play, lol.

"Be not afraid of greatness."


I totally see Junior as the "childhood" crush kinda thing; you know, like that platonic love you feel for someone you're really not sure you're into (they're just "cute" and "cool"). But Spike and her totally look like a potential couple, there was great chemistry between them and their interactions were of a more mature nature. When Becky and Junior were together, it was just a puppy love thing.

And the actor who plays Spike has gotten so much hotter than the one who plays Jr. I think Becky would appreciate some testosterone on her man.


This was an awesome movie, I was just watching it last week. I was pleased to see the NCAA Football blog, Every Game Counts give it some love today. The “Annexation of Puerto Rico” play was a great play, colleges and pros should look into running that play, lol.


when i was about 10 i loved this movie for devon sawa.

now that i'm older and i watch it again occasionally when its on TV, i can't help but think of that "pick on the boy/girl you like" type of thing.

so maybe...or he could have just been a jerky kid.

Next thing you know, money's missing off the dresser and your daughter's knocked up! - Tommy Boy


look at ICEBOX's face the first time she tackles Spike in the second half of the big game. She know wat's up


Aha. I'm sure she does.

The kid was hot. She knew exactly what she was doing... silly girl.

Like she really liked football.


Sexual tension? Ummmmmmmm, weren't they like 10 years old?


Your point being...?


I would just like to say that after reading the first few posts in this thread, this probably ranks in the top five of funniest THINGS I have seen/heard/read!!!!!! I was laughing so hard, until I had to use a few brain cells to write this, lol.


Yeah, i could see Spike as more of Becky's Kinda Guy it would have been a better match.
Except i think Becky Hated Spike because he was sexist and arrogant and didn't like anybody.


point being you people are sick for even fantasizing about sexual tension between two kids.

