looking for a quote

can anyone tell me what exactly is said between Icebox and her uncle that makes her want to be a cheerleader and not play football? i cant remember


He tells her "You gotta figure out how boys think."


Specifically, I can't give it to you word for word, but Kevin said something along the lines of:

Does Veronica like Archie... blah blah blah.

Debbie would kill him for telling her this, but boys aren't going to go after a team mate, he wants a pretty girl, and if she wants a boy, she needs to act more like a girl.

It sounds chauvinistic when I say it, but it was very well put for a man whose starring role was a shoe salesman who walks around with his hand in his pants.


I think she finally snapped when they were at the lake and he said that if he had to kiss a girl, it would be a cheerleader type like Debbie. She realizes it then and goes and gets the cheer leading uniform.

Dance like nobody's watching,Work like you don't need the money...Love like you've never been hurt
